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Last active March 19, 2024 18:25
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Parallelizing Simulations to Calculate HH vs HT Win Rates
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from tqdm import tqdm
nsims = int(1e6)
nevents = int(1e5)
def convolve_nsims(chunk):
nsims, nevents = chunk
matrix = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(nsims, nevents))
pattern1 = np.array([-0.5, -0.5]) # Alice wins
pattern2 = np.array([-0.5, 0.5]) # Bob wins
convolved1 = convolve2d(matrix, pattern1.reshape(1, -1), mode='valid')
convolved2 = convolve2d(matrix, pattern2.reshape(1, -1), mode='valid')
convolved1_thresholded = np.where(convolved1 < 1, 0, convolved1)
convolved2_thresholded = np.where(convolved2 < 1, 0, convolved2)
win_alice = np.sum(convolved1_thresholded, axis=1)
win_bob = np.sum(convolved2_thresholded, axis=1)
win_rates = win_alice / (win_bob + win_alice)
return win_rates
if __name__ == "__main__":
chunk_size = 1000
nsim = 0
win_rate_alice = 0
if chunk_size > nsims:
chunk_size = nsims
chunks = [(min(chunk_size, nsims - i), nevents) for i in range(0, nsims, chunk_size)]
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
for win_rates in tqdm(, chunks), total=len(chunks),
desc=f"Parallel simulation by chunk of {chunk_size}"):
win_rate_alice = (win_rate_alice * nsim) + np.sum(win_rates)
nsim += win_rates.shape[0]
win_rate_alice /= nsim
print(f"Win Rate For Alice After {nsims} simulations with {nevents} events each: {win_rate_alice}")
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