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Created April 30, 2015 19:30
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SCRY paper queries
PREFIX scry:<>
SELECT ?pau ?desc WHERE {
GRAPH scry:orb_description {
scry:orb scry:procedure ?pau .
?pau scry:description ?desc .
PREFIX scry: <>
PREFIX math: <>
SELECT ?desc ?pred ?arg {
GRAPH scry:orb_description {
{math:stdev scry:description ?desc .}
{math:stdev ?pred ?arg_node .
?arg_node scry:identifier ?arg_id
scry:description ?arg_desc .}
BIND(CONCAT("'",?arg_id,"' - ",?arg_desc) AS ?arg)
PREFIX scry: <>
PREFIX blast: <>
PREFIX input: <>
PREFIX output: <>
SELECT ?uniprot_id ?homolog_id ?score WHERE {
VALUES(?uniprot_id) {("P68871") ("P02008")}
GRAPH ?g1 {blast:fetch_sequence input:_ ?uniprot_id ;
output:file ?file .}
GRAPH ?g2 {blast:blast input:file ?file ;
input:evalue "1e-20" ;
output:ac ?homolog_id ;
output:e_val ?e_value .}
} ORDER BY ?homolog_id
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