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Created February 11, 2016 13:58
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{updateSection: {shippingMethod: null, paymentMethod: null, review: null, couponDiscount: null},…}
duplicateBillingInfo: false
error: true
errorMessage: {message: "Por favor, verifique as informações do endereço de cobrança.",…}
errorFields: [{inputId: "billing:firstname", message: "Please enter the first name."},…]
0: {inputId: "billing:firstname", message: "Please enter the first name."}
1: {inputId: "billing:lastname", message: "Please enter the last name."}
message: "Por favor, verifique as informações do endereço de cobrança."
message: null
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success: false
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couponDiscount: null
paymentMethod: null
review: null
shippingMethod: null
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