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Last active February 2, 2017 21:27
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Provides a set of effective tools to query Zenoss database ( ZeoDB ) using an active socket.
Provides a set of effective tools to query Zenoss
database ( ZeoDB ) using an active socket.
Through this class all device features can be
#import pdb #-- Se utiliza para habilitar el python debuger en modo command line
import os
import sys
class Zen:
""" Keep it Simple """
connection = None
device = None
debug = False
# Obtener el home de zenoss
ZENHOME = os.environ.get('ZENHOME', '/opt/zenoss')
if ZENHOME.endswith(os.sep):
ZENHOME = os.path.dirname(ZENHOME)
if debug:
print 'ZENHOME: %s' % os.environ.get('ZENHOME', 'Not set')
def getZenHome(self):
return self.ZENHOME
def getDataSources(self, device):
"""Returns a list of paths where data sources can be found, None if nothing available"""
if self.debug:
print "getDataSources( self, device ):"
print "getDataSources: device =", device
import os
if self.debug:
print "getDataSources: importing os ..."
except IOError:
print "getDataSources: exception importing os !"
return None
list = os.listdir(device)
sources = []
for any in list:
if self.debug:
print "detected: ", any
if os.path.isfile(device + "/" + any):
sources.append(device + "/" + any)
if self.debug:
print "appended: " + device + "/" + any
return sources
def getInferfaces(self, path):
"""Returns a list of existing interfaces for the specified device( path )"""
if self.debug:
print "getInterfaces( self, path ):"
print "getInterfaces: path =", path
if path:
if self.debug:
print "getInterfaces: path =", path
print "getInterfaces: first define any path to search for interfaces !"
return None
target = path + "/os/interfaces" #before looking up
if self.debug:
print "getInterfaces: reconsidering target =", target
import os
if self.debug:
print "getInterfaces: importing os...."
print "getInterfaces: exception importing os !"
return None
temp = os.listdir(target)
interfaces = []
for any in temp:
interfaces.append(target + "/" + any)
if self.debug:
print "getInterfaces: getting ", any
return interfaces
def getDevices(self):
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices( self ):"
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection detected ... getting device list !"
return self.connection.dmd.Devices
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection DOWN... trying to connect"
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection achieved ..."
print "zenGetDevices: getting device list ...."
return self.connection.dmd.Devices
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection COULD NOT be settled"
print "zenGetDevices: 2 tries have been made ... exiting "
print "zenGetDevices: check connection to ZeoDB first !"
self.connection = False
return None
def zenGetDevices(self):
"""Depending on the connection state returns the list of current Zenoss devices """
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices( self ):"
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection detected ... getting device list !"
return self.connection.dmd.Devices.getSubDevices()
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection DOWN... trying to connect"
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection achieved ..."
print "zenGetDevices: getting device list ...."
return self.connection.dmd.Devices.getSubDevices()
if self.debug:
print "zenGetDevices: zen connection COULD NOT be settled"
print "zenGetDevices: 2 tries have been made ... exiting "
print "zenGetDevices: check connection to ZeoDB first !"
self.connection = False
return None
def zenGetFilteredDevices(self):
"""Returns a list of current devices as zenGetDevices but filteded"""
if self.debug:
print "zenGetFilteredDevices( self ):"
tempList = self.zenGetDevices()
finalList = []
for any in tempList:
temp = str.replace(any.__str__(), "<Device at ", "")
finalList.append(str.replace(temp, ">", ""))
if self.debug:
print "zenGetFilteredDevices: appending %s" \
% str.replace(temp, ">", "")
return finalList
def zenFind(self, thisDevice):
"""Finds and returns thisDevices if existent in db """
if self.debug:
print "zenFind( self, thisDevice = %s)" % thisDevice
if self.connection:
self.device = self.connection.dmd.Devices.findDevice(thisDevice)
if self.device:
if self.debug:
print "zenFind: device %s found !" % self.device
return self.device
return None
def zenFindByPath(self, thisPath):
"""Returns an existing Zenoss Object regarding the given specified path otherwise None"""
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath(self, thisPath):"
print "zenFindByPath: thisPath = %s" % thisPath
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: connection to ZEO detected !"
print "zenFindByPath: TRYING to find object ......."
target = self.connection.dmd.Devices.getObjByPath(thisPath)
if target:
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: found object = ", target
return target
except KeyError:
print "zenFindByPath: exception trying to find object =", thisPath
print "zenFindByPath: possible path error "
return None
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: No connection to ZEO detected ....... connecting !"
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: connection reached !"
target = self.connection.dmd.Devices.getObjByPath(thisPath)
if target:
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: found object =", target
return target
except KeyError:
print "zenFindByPath: exception trying to find object =", thisPath
return None
if self.debug:
print "zenFindByPath: no Zeo connection reached..... "
print "zenFindByPath: check Zeo connection first "
return None
def zenConnect(self):
""" tries to connect to the current Zenoss database """
if self.debug:
print "zenConnect( self ):"
print "zenConnect: connection =", self.connection
if self.connection:
if self.debug:
print "zenConnect: self.connection exists, wont' be created again !"
return None
import sys
if self.debug:
print "zenConnect: importing sys"
except IOError:
print "zenConnect: IO Exception trying to import sys"
return None
## Agregar al path la ruta de las bibliotecas de zenoss y zope
## Agregar al path la ruta de las bibliotecas de zenoss y zope
#sys.path.append(os.path.join(self.getZenHome(), 'lib/python'))
#sys.path.append(os.path.join(self.getZenHome(), 'Products/ZenUtils'))
import Globals
if self.debug:
print "ZenConnect: importing Globals"
except IOError:
print "zenConnect: IO Exception trying to import Globals"
return None
import ZCmdBase
if self.debug:
print "zenConnect: importing ZCmdBase to form the connection"
except IOError:
print "zenConnect: IO Exception trying to import ZCmdBase"
return None
self.connection = ZCmdBase.ZCmdBase()
if self.debug:
print "zenConnect: zen = ZCmdBase() connection created !"
print "zenConnect: zen connection returned "
return self.connection
if __name__ == '__main__':
zen = Zen()
print 'Iniciando conexion...'
if not zen.connection:
print 'No hay conexion!!!'
print 'Estamos conectados!!!'
# list = zen.getDevices();
# for dev in list:
# print dev
print 'Interfaces:'
list = zen.getInferfaces(path)
for any in list:
print any
print 'DataSources:'
list = zen.getDataSources(path)
for any in list:
print any
device = zen.zenFind('some')
if device:
print 'Si existe!'
print 'No existe'
device = zen.zenFindByPath("Balanceadores/Radware/LinkProof/devices/LPMain");
print 'Balanceadores/Radware/LinkProof/devices/LPMain'
if device:
print 'Si existe!'
print 'No existe'
if device:
graphDefs = device.getDefaultGraphDefs()
for gd in graphDefs:
print gd['url']
print 'Testing Finalizado'
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Provides a set of effective tools to query Zenoss
database ( ZeoDB ) using an active socket.

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