This is the C3D model used with a fork of Caffe to the Sports1M dataset migrated to Keras. Details about the network architecture can be found in the following arXiv paper:
Tran, Du, et al. "Learning Spatiotemporal Features With 3D Convolutional Networks." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2015.
Download: weights
@chuckcho Hi, Thank you for you sharing. I downloaded your code and tried to run it. It seems that the downloaded file caffe.proto cannot be compiled properly. The warning message "[libprotobuf WARNING google/protobuf/compiler/] No syntax specified for the proto file: caffe.proto. Please use 'syntax = "proto2";' or 'syntax = "proto3";' to specify a syntax version. (Defaulted to proto2 syntax.)". I added ""syntax = "proto2";" to fix this. I wonder whether there is any difference between them?