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Shell config
DATE=$( date +"[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]" )
PROMPT="${NEWLINE}%F{yellow}${DATE} %(!.%F{red}.%F{white})%n%F{cyan}@%m %F{yellow}%d${NEWLINE}%F{reset}> "
export PATH="/Users/alby/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools":$PATH
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/alby/Library/Android/sdk":$PATH
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gx
function convertToM4A(){ #first param is the song --> convertToM4A song.mp4
v2=${v1%.*} #get just the title of the song, removing the extension
# echo "$v2"
ffmpeg -i "$v1" "$v2":'.m4a' #ffmpeg adding m4a at the end of the title
alias mem='du -sh */'
alias bckListApp='cd ; cd /Applications/; ls > /Volumes/Archive/Setups/MacMini/listApps.txt'
alias bckDEV='cd ;rsync --exclude={".*","*/*/node_modules"} -avh dev/ /Volumes/Archive/Dev/ --delete'
alias bckDocs='cd ;rsync -avh Documents/ /Volumes/Archive/Docs/'
alias bckDesk='cd ;rsync -avh Desktop/ /Volumes/Archive/Setups/MacMini/desktop/ --delete'
alias bckUNI='cd ;rsync -avh --exclude={".*","*/*/node_modules"} UNIPD/ /Volumes/ARCHIVE/Academic/UNIPD/ --delete'
alias backup='bckDEV; bckDesk; bckDocs; bckListApp; cd ~;echo "\n<BACKUP DONE>"'
alias snas='ssh -p 2722'
alias myip='curl -i'
## iTunes management
alias music='sh ~/Documents/ $1'
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