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Created May 13, 2014 16:41
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Error on sails deploy on node jitsu "jitsu deploy --debug"
pc:~/projetos/we-up(master)$ jitsu deploy --debug
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu albertosouza
info: jitsu v0.13.15, node v0.10.26
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
info: Analyzing application dependencies in node app.js
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*************************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
debug: 'user-agent': 'jitsu/0.13.15' },
debug: timeout: 24000 0,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { app:
debug: { _id: 'albertosouza/we',
debug: name: 'we',
debug: scripts:
debug: { start: 'node app.js',
debug: debug: 'node debug app.js',
debug: test: './node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter spec --require tests/testHelper.js tests/index.js --colors' },
debug: user: 'albertosouza',
debug: subdomain: 'we',
debug: snapshots: [],
debug: env: { SUBDOMAIN: 'we', NODE_ENV: 'production' },
debug: domains: [],
debug: databases: {},
debug: config:
debug: { cloud:
debug: [ { datacenter: 'us-east-1',
debug: provider: 'joyent',
debug: drones: 1,
debug: ram: 256 } ] },
debug: maxDrones: 1,
debug: drones: 0,
debug: ctime: 1399846901118,
debug: mtime: 1399846901118,
debug: resource: 'App',
debug: _rev: '1-f8983b364bc1c71ce23ffce480a5db88',
debug: version: '0.0.54',
debug: dependencies:
debug: { bcrypt: '~0.7.8',
debug: ejs: '~1.0.0',
debug: 'email-templates': '~0.1.1',
debug: grunt: '0.4.2',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-clean': '~0.4.1',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-coffee': '~0.7.0',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-concat': '~0.3.0',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-copy': '~0.4.1',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-cssmin': '~0.6.1',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-jst': '~0.5.0',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-less': '~0.9.0',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-uglify': '~0.2.2',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-watch': '~0.4.4',
debug: 'grunt-sails-linker': '~0.9.5',
debug: 'grunt-sync': '0.0.7',
debug: 'include-all': '~0.1.3',
debug: marked: '~0.3.1',
debug: mv: '~1.0.0',
debug: 'node-uuid': '~1.4.1',
debug: nodemailer: '0.6.0',
debug: passport: '0.2.0',
debug: 'passport-local': '0.1.6',
debug: rc: '~0.3.5',
debug: sails: '~0.10.0-rc7',
debug: 'sails-disk': '~0.10.0-rc5',
debug: 'sails-mongo': '~0.10.0-rc4',
debug: 'grunt-we-ng-tpl': '~0.0.1' },
debug: devDependencies:
debug: { 'grunt-bower-requirejs': '~0.8.1',
debug: 'grunt-bump': '0.0.13',
debug: mocha: '>= 0',
debug: 'sails-memory': '^0.10.0-rc1',
debug: should: '3.1.2',
debug: sinon: '~1.8.1',
debug: supertest: '>= 0' },
debug: main: 'app.js',
debug: description: 'A system for make real time social networks written with Sails.js',
debug: repository:
debug: { type: 'git',
debug: url: '' },
debug: engines: { node: '0.10.x' },
debug: id: 'we' } } }
error: Error running command deploy
error: EISDIR, read
help: For help with this error contact Nodejitsu Support:
help: webchat: <>
help: irc: <irc://>
help: email: <>
help: Copy and paste this output to a gist (
info: Nodejitsu not ok
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