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Created May 4, 2023 16:12
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blurred zoom window
"id": 8333,
"pid": 87986,
"app": "",
"title": "Login",
"frame": {
"x": 456,
"y": 242,
"w": 880,
"h": 660
"role": "AXWindow",
"subrole": "AXDialog",
"display": 1,
"space": 3,
"level": 3,
"opacity": 0.9,
"split-type": "none",
"split-child": "none",
"stack-index": 0,
"can-move": true,
"can-resize": false,
"has-focus": false,
"has-shadow": false,
"has-border": true,
"has-parent-zoom": false,
"has-fullscreen-zoom": false,
"is-native-fullscreen": false,
"is-visible": false,
"is-minimized": false,
"is-hidden": false,
"is-floating": true,
"is-sticky": false,
"is-topmost": true,
"is-grabbed": false
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