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Last active December 17, 2015 11:49
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Get the article of german nouns from Wiktionary
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<p id = "top"></p>
<p id = "answer">der die das?</p>
<input type="text" id="input" value="Nutella">
<button id="search"></button>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(event.keyCode == 13){
var origValues = new Array();
origValues[] == null
|| this.value == origValues[]
) {
origValues[] = this.value;
this.value = '';
$("#search").click(function () {
//$('#answer').fadeTo(10, 0);
var rawInput = $('#input').val();
var word = rawInput.toUpperCase().substr(0,1).concat( rawInput.toLowerCase().substr( 1, rawInput.length ) ) ;
var apiCallBase = '';
var apiCall = apiCallBase.concat( word );
$.getJSON( apiCall, (function parser(data) {
var answer = [];
if (data['query']['pageids'][0] == '-1'){
answer.push( word.concat(' gibt es nicht') );
var urlBase = '';
answer.push('<a href="' + urlBase + word + '">');
var content = data['query']['pages'][data['query']['pageids'][0]]['revisions']['0']['*'].substr(0, 200);
var wortartPos ='{{Wortart');
var wortart = content.substr(wortartPos + 10, 3);
if (wortart != 'Sub'){
answer.push( word.concat(' ist kein Substantiv') );
var articles = {'m': 'der', 'f': 'die', 'n': 'das'};
var article = articles[ content.substr(wortartPos + 34, 1) ];
answer.push('<span id="article">' + article+ '</span>');
var i = 1;
while ( article = articles[ content.substr(wortartPos + 34 + 7 * i++, 1) ] )
answer.push('/ <span id="article">' + article + '</span>');
$('#answer').html(answer.join(' '));//.fadeTo( 1, 10 );
import sys
import json
import urllib2
word = sys.argv[1]
searchstring = '' % word
data = urllib2.urlopen(searchstring)
j = json.load(data)
t = str(j)
n = t.find('{{Wortart|Substantiv|Deutsch}}', 0, 200)
articles = {'m': 'der', 'f': 'die', 'n': 'das'}
if n > 0 :
print articles[t[n+34]] + ' ' + word
print 'Word not found'
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