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Last active February 17, 2018 15:43
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  • Save albertstill/b66110d8d3ffd60e9d86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save albertstill/b66110d8d3ffd60e9d86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build a static site from a Rails app using Wget and AWS S3
# precomile the static assets the HTML pages link to such as the .js, .css and .jpg files
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
# circleci has RAILS_ENV & RACK_ENV env variables set to test need to override. -d runs
# the server as a daemon.
RAILS_ENV=production RACK_ENV=production bundle exec rails s -d
# wait for server to load
sleep 10
# regex means it only grabs the clean URL HTML pages e.g /contact-us.
# everything else eg .js or .jpg is in the public folder now we have done the precompile
wget --recursive --reject-regex '.*\..*' localhost:3000
# misc pages that the crawl won't hit (--force-directories forces the creation of
# directory ./localhost:3000)
wget --force-directories \
localhost:3000/unsupported-browser \
# to kill the server
kill `cat ./tmp/pids/`
# gzip up all the HTML files. -9 flag means it will do it at the highest compression
# level. gzipping is important for Google Page Speed ranking
gzip --recursive -9 localhost:3000
# remove .gz extension (% strips the .gz)
for f in `find localhost:3000 -iname '*.gz'`; do
mv $f ${f%.gz}
# delete everything and start with a clean bucket
aws s3 rm s3:// --recursive --region eu-west-1
# sync the HTML pages. Note S3 can't infer content type because no extension
# on the clean URL's.
aws s3 sync ./localhost:3000 s3:// \
--content-type text/html \
--content-encoding gzip \
--cache-control 'public, max-age=600' \
--region eu-west-1
# gzip up the text files from the precompile. namely the application .js and .css files.
# note image files are binary and don't benefit from being gziped. They should be compressed
# by other means for example Photoshop.
cd ./public/assets
for f in `find . -name "*.css" -o -name "*.js"`; do
gzip -9 $f
mv $f.gz $f
# cache control header can be at max age because asset pipeline uses cache busting
# fingerprinting in the file names
aws s3 cp $f s3:// \
--content-encoding gzip \
--cache-control 'public, max-age=31536000' \
--region eu-west-1
cd ..
# sync the rest of the asset folder such as .jpg files
aws s3 sync ./assets s3:// \
--region eu-west-1 \
--cache-control 'public, max-age=31536000'
# this file is an exception and lives in the /public folder in a Rails application.
# It can not be in the assets pipeline because it can't have a fingerprint file name
aws s3 cp robots.txt s3:// --region eu-west-1
exit 0
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