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Created November 1, 2011 21:10
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geojson tiles
from redistricting.apps.features.models import CensusBlock, CensusTract, CensusCounty, DataBlock
from redistricting.utils import gmerc
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseForbidden
from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.core import serializers
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
import json
import time
# def blocks_by_bounds(request):
# """
# /geom/CensusBlocksBox/?bbox=42.864637,-88.891514,42.94645,-79.43732
# """
# return features_bounds(request, DataBlock)
# def tracts_by_bounds(request):
# return features_bounds(request, CensusTract)
# def features_bounds(request, GeomClass):
# """
# /geom/<FeatureType>sBox/?bbox=42.864637,-88.891514,42.94645,-79.43732
# """
# bbox = request.GET.get('bbox', '')
# jsonpcallback = request.GET.get('callback','')
# if bbox == '':
# raise Http404
# # has lat lngs in this order: SWNE
# bbox = bbox.split(',')
# # TODO: to ease scaling, will probably have to round these off and memcached the result
# bbox_wkt = "POLYGON(("
# bbox_wkt += bbox[1]+" "+bbox[0]+","
# bbox_wkt += bbox[1]+" "+bbox[2]+","
# bbox_wkt += bbox[3]+" "+bbox[2]+","
# bbox_wkt += bbox[3]+" "+bbox[0]+","
# bbox_wkt += bbox[1]+" "+bbox[0]
# bbox_wkt += "))"
# box_geom = GEOSGeometry(bbox_wkt, srid=4326)
# cbs = GeomClass.objects.filter(the_geom__intersects = box_geom)
# return _output_geo_queryset(cbs, jsonpcallback)
def serve_block_tiles(request, z, x, y):
For example:
z,x,y = [int(z), int(x), int(y)]
assert isinstance(z, int), TypeError("zoom must be an int from 0 to 30")
assert isinstance(x, int), TypeError("x must be an int")
assert isinstance(y, int), TypeError("y must be an int")
if (z < 13):
return HttpResponse(json.dumps([]), mimetype="application/json")
return serve_tile(request, z, x, y, DataBlock)
def serve_tile(request, z, x, y, GeomClass):
jsonpcallback = request.GET.get('callback','')
# Translate tile coordinates into lat-lng bounds
x1 = x * 256
x2 = x1 + 255
y1 = y * 256
y2 = y1 + 255
n, w = gmerc.px2ll(x1, y1, z)
s, e = gmerc.px2ll(x2, y2, z)
s,w,n,e = [str(s), str(w), str(n), str(e)]
bbox_wkt = "".join(["POLYGON((",
w+" "+s+",",
w+" "+n+",",
e+" "+n+",",
e+" "+s+",",
w+" "+s,
box_geom = GEOSGeometry(bbox_wkt, srid=4326)
cbs = GeomClass.objects.filter(the_geom__intersects = box_geom)
return _output_geo_queryset(cbs, jsonpcallback)
def _output_geo_queryset(qs, jsonpcallback=""):
Helper function that takes a query set and returns the geometries and info as json.
Uses a JSONP callback if one is specified
#Bleh. this bit is pretty ugly
geoms = { "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{ 'id': c.geoid10, 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': json.loads(c.the_geom.json), 'properties': serializers.serialize('python', [c])[0]['fields'] } for c in qs]
if (len(geoms) == 0):
return HttpResponse(json.dumps([]), mimetype="application/json")
assert('totpop' in geoms['features'][0]['properties']), AttributeError("Doesn't have population info")
except AttributeError:
geoms = { "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{ 'id': c.geoid10, 'geometry': json.loads(c.the_geom.json), 'properties': None } for c in qs]
if (jsonpcallback != ''):
out = jsonpcallback + '(' + json.dumps(geoms) + ')'
out = json.dumps(geoms)
resp = HttpResponse(out, mimetype="application/json")
resp['X-ALBERT'] = "=)"
return resp
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