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Last active April 9, 2024 20:38
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BF_CanUseCover = 0, -- Can use cover
BF_CanUseVehicles = 1, -- Can use Vehicles
BF_CanDoDrivebys = 2, -- Can do drive-bys
BF_CanLeaveVehicle = 3, -- Can leave vehicle if driving/spawned in one
BF_CanUseDynamicStrafeDecisions = 4, -- Can Use Dynamic Strafe Decisions
BF_AlwaysFight = 5, -- Always Fight
BF_FleeWhilstInVehicle = 6, -- Flee Whilst In Vehicle
BF_JustFollowInVehicle = 7, -- Just follows target while in vehicle
BF_Unused_3 = 8,
BF_WillScanForDeadPeds = 9, -- will scan for and react to dead
BF_Unused_1 = 10,
BF_JustSeekCover = 11, -- Will seek cover only
BF_BlindFireWhenInCover = 12, -- Fires without aiming from behind cover
BF_Aggressive = 13, -- Aggressive
BF_CanInvestigate = 14, -- Can Investigate
BF_HasRadio = 15, -- Gives the ped a radio/communication
BF_Unused_2 = 16,
BF_AlwaysFlee = 17, -- Always Flees when threatened
BF_ForceInjuredOnGround = 18, -- Force Injured on Ground
BF_DisableInjuredOnGround = 19, -- Disable Injured on Ground
BF_CanTauntInVehicle = 20, -- Can Taunt In Vehicle when un armed
BF_CanChaseTargetOnFoot = 21, -- Can Chase Target On Foot
BF_WillDragInjuredPedsToSafety = 22, -- Will Drag Injured Peds to Safety
BF_RequiresLosToShoot = 23, -- Will require ped to have LOS of its target before shooting
BF_UseProximityFiringRate = 24, -- Use Proximity Firing Rate
BF_DisableSecondaryTarget = 25, -- Disables switching briefly to a secondary target in combat,
BF_DisableEntryReactions = 26, -- This will disable the flinching combat entry reactions
BF_PerfectAccuracy = 27, -- Perfect Accuracy
BF_CanUseFrustratedAdvance = 28, -- Can Use Frustrated Advance
BF_MoveToLocationBeforeCoverSearch = 29, -- This will have the <see cref="Ped"/> move to defensive areas and within attack windows before performing the cover search.
BF_CanShootWithoutLOS = 30, -- Will shoot at target even without LOS of the target
BF_MaintainMinDistanceToTarget = 31, -- Ped will attempt to maintain a distance with the target it's fighting (currently only for cover finding + usage).
BF_IgnoreHatedPedsInFastMovingVehicles = 32, -- If a ped's relationship is "hated" the ped will ignore them if they are in a fast moving vehicle
BF_UseProximityAccuracy = 33,
BF_CanUsePeekingVariations = 34, -- Can use different variations of peeking from behind cover
BF_DisablePinnedDown = 35, -- Disables pinnned down behavior
BF_DisablePinDownOthers = 36, -- Disables pinning down others
BF_ClearAreaSetDefensiveIfDefensiveAreaReached = 37,
BF_DisableBulletReactions = 38, -- Disable Bullet Reactions
BF_CanBust = 39, -- Can Bust (the player, arrest them BUSTED scene)
BF_IgnoredByOtherPedsWhenWanted = 40, -- This ped is ignored by other peds when wanted
BF_CanCommandeerVehicles = 41, -- Can Commandeer Vehicles
BF_CanFlank = 42, -- Can Flank
BF_SwitchToAdvanceIfCantFindCover = 43, -- If ped can't find cover it attempts to advance on enemy
BF_SwitchToDefensiveIfInCover = 44, -- Switches to a defensive stance/behavior if in cover,
BF_ClearPrimaryDefensiveAreaWhenReached = 45, -- Ped will clear their primary defensive area when reached
BF_CanFightArmedPedsWhenNotArmed = 46, -- Can Fight Armed Peds When Not Armed
BF_EnableTacticalPointsWhenDefensive = 47, -- Is not allowed to use tactical points if set to use defensive movement (will only use cover)
BF_DisableCoverArcAdjustments = 48, -- Cannot adjust cover arcs when testing cover safety, which is done on corner cover points when ped is using defensive area + no LOS
BF_UseEnemyAccuracyScaling = 49, -- Use Enemy Accuracy Scaling
BF_CanCharge = 50, -- Can charge the enemy target
BF_ClearAreaSetAdvanceIfDefensiveAreaReached = 51,
BF_UseVehicleAttack = 52, -- Use Vehicle Attack
BF_UseVehicleAttackIfVehicleHasMountedGuns = 53, -- Use Vehicle Attack If Vehicle Has Mounted Guns
BF_AlwaysEquipBestWeapon = 54, -- Always Equip Best Weapon
BF_CanSeeUnderwaterPeds = 55, -- Can See Underwater Peds, ignoring depth visibility check
BF_DisableAimAtAITargetsInHelis = 56, -- Will prevent peds from aiming at any AI targets that are in helicopters
BF_DisableSeekDueToLineOfSight = 57, -- Disables peds seeking due to no clear LOS
BF_DisableFleeFromCombat = 58, -- Disable Flee From Combat
BF_DisableTargetChangesDuringVehiclePursuit = 59, -- Disables target changes during vehicle pursuits
BF_CanThrowSmokeGrenade = 60, -- Can Throw Smoke Grenade
BF_NonMissionPedsFleeFromThisPedUnlessArmed = 61, -- Flees from the player unless they have a gun
BF_ClearAreaSetDefensiveIfDefensiveCannotBeReached = 62, -- Will clear a set defensive area if the area cannot be reached
BF_FleesFromInvincibleOpponents = 63, -- Flees from invicible opponents
BF_DisableBlockFromPursueDuringVehicleChase = 64, -- Stops the ped from trying to block pursuit/target from escaping
BF_DisableSpinOutDuringVehicleChase = 65, -- Stops the peds from trying to spin out/"pit" the target
BF_DisableCruiseInFrontDuringBlockDuringVehicleChase = 66, -- Disables the ped from cruising in front of the target vehicle to block it during a chase
BF_CanIgnoreBlockedLosWeighting = 67, -- Makes it more likely that the ped will continue targeting a target with blocked los for a few seconds
BF_DisableReactToBuddyShot = 68, -- Disables the ped reacting when their allies get killed/shot
BF_PreferNavmeshDuringVehicleChase = 69, -- Prefer pathing using navmesh over road nodes
BF_AllowedToAvoidOffroadDuringVehicleChase = 70, -- Ignore road edges when avoiding obstaces
BF_PermitChargeBeyondDefensiveArea = 71, -- Allows the ped toc hare beyond the area they're defending
BF_UseRocketsAgainstVehiclesOnly = 72, -- This ped will switch to an RPG if target is in a vehicle, otherwise will use alternate weapon
BF_DisableTacticalPointsWithoutClearLos = 73, -- Disables ped moving to a tactical point without a clear LOS
BF_DisablePullAlongsideDuringVehicleChase = 74, -- Disables ped pulling alongside during vehicle chase
BF_DisableShoutTargetPosition = 75, -- Disables shouting out the target's position to other peds during entire length of combat
BF_SetDisableShoutTargetPositionOnCombatStart = 76, -- Disables shouting out the target's position to other peds on combat staring wih that ped
BF_DisableRespondedToThreatBroadcast = 77, -- Disales the peds responding to other peds shouting
BF_DisableAllRandomsFlee = 78, -- If set on a ped, they will not flee when all random peds flee, they are still able to flee due to other reasons
BF_WillGenerateDeadPedSeenScriptEvents = 79, -- This ped will send out a script DeadPedSeenEvent when they see a dead ped
BF_UseMaxSenseRangeWhenReceivingEvents = 80, -- This will use the receiving ped's sense range rather than the range supplied to the communicate event
BF_RestrictInVehicleAimingToCurrentSide = 81, -- When aiming from a vehicle the will only aim at targets on their side of the vehicle
BF_UseDefaultBlockedLosPositionAndDirection = 82, -- If LOS to the target is blocked we return to our default position and direction until we have LOS
BF_RequiresLosToAim = 83, -- Requires LOS to aim at the target
BF_CruiseAndBlockInVehicle = 84,
BF_PreferAirCombatWhenInAircraft = 85, -- Peds flying aircraft will prefer to target other aircraft over entities on the ground
BF_AllowDogFighting = 86, -- Allows dog dighting, allows dogs to attack humans? Not sure.
BF_PreferNonAircraftTargets = 87, -- This will make the ped focus targets that are non-aircraft vehicles, reduced to other targets
BF_PreferKnownTargetsWhenCombatClosestTarget = 88, -- When peds are tasked to go to combat, they keep searching for a known target for a while, before being forced to target unknown target
BF_ForceCheckAttackAngleForMountedGuns = 89, -- Only allow mounted weapons to fire if within the correct attack angle, in a default 25-degree cone.
BF_BlockFireForVehiclePassengerMountedGuns = 90, -- Blocks the firing state for passenger-controlled mounted weapons
These were pulled FiveM docs, random github searches, testing on Popcorn RP, and:
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