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Created May 9, 2016 16:51
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/* Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen Uebung 5 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Globale Variablen und Typdefinitionen
typedef struct node_ {
int key;
char *data;
struct node_ *left;
struct node_ *right;
} node;
typedef struct biTree_ {
int size;
node *root;
} biTree;
// Funktionsprototypen
node *insertNode(node *, int , char *);
node *insert(biTree *, int, char *);
void printTreeInline (node *);
void printTreeLevelOrder (node *);
void printTreeLevelOrderRecursive(node *, int);
node *lookup (node *, int);
int treeDepth (node *);
int maxKey(node *);
int minKey(node *);
int max(int, int);
node * rotationLL(node *start);
node * rotationRR(node *start);
node * rotationLR(node *start);
node * rotationRL(node *start);
int getBalance(node *start);
node * balanceNode(node *start);
// Funktionen
node * rotationLL (node *start)
printf("Rotating LL %d\n", start->key);
node *a = start;
node *b = a->left;
a->left = b->right;
b->right = a;
return b;
node * rotationRR (node *start)
printf("Rotating RR %d\n", start->key);
node *a = start;
node *b = a->right;
a->right = b->left;
b->left = a;
return b;
node * rotationLR (node *start)
printf("Rotating LR %d\n", start->key);
node *a = start;
node *b = a->left;
node *c = b->right;
a->left = c->right;
b->right = c->left;
c->left = b;
c->right = a;
return c;
node * rotationRL (node *start)
printf("Rotating RL %d\n", start->key);
node *a = start;
node *b = a->right;
node *c = b->left;
a->right = c->left;
b->left = c->right;
c->right = b;
c->left = a;
return c;
int getBalance(node *start)
int balance = 0;
if(start->left) balance += treeDepth(start->left);
if(start->right) balance -= treeDepth(start->right);
return balance;
void balanceTree(biTree *tree) {
node * newRoot;
newRoot = balanceNode(tree->root);
if (newRoot != tree->root) tree->root = newRoot;
node * balanceNode(node *start)
int balance = 0;
if (start->left)
start->left = balanceNode(start->left);
if (start->right)
start->right = balanceNode(start->right);
balance = getBalance(start);
// Left heavy
if (balance >= 2)
if (getBalance(start->left) <= -1)
return rotationLR(start);
} else {
return rotationLL(start);
// Right heavy
} else if (balance <= -2) {
if (getBalance(start->right) >= 1)
return rotationRL(start);
} else {
return rotationRR(start);
} else {
return start;
// Funktion insertNode: siehe Vorlesungsfolien
node *insertNode(node *start, int key, char *data)
node * newNode;
if (start == NULL)
newNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
if (newNode != NULL)
newNode->data = data;
newNode->key = key;
newNode->right = newNode->left = NULL;
return newNode;
if (key == start->key)
printf(" ! Duplicate Key");
} else if (key < start->key)
printf("< ");
newNode = insertNode(start->left, key, data);
if (start->left == NULL)
start->left = newNode;
} else
printf("> ");
newNode = insertNode(start->right, key, data);
if (start->right == NULL)
start->right = newNode;
return newNode;
// Funktion insert: siehe Vorlesungsfolien
node *insert(biTree *t, int key, char *data)
node * newNode;
newNode = insertNode(t->root, key, data);
if (t->root == NULL) t->root = newNode;
if (newNode != NULL) t->size++;
return newNode;
// Rekursive Funktion zum Ausgeben des Baumes in Inline-Notation
void printTreeInline (node *start)
if ( ! start) return;
printf("[%d] ", start->key);
void printTreeLevelOrderRecursive(node *start, int level) {
if (! start) return;
if (level == 0) {
printf("[%i] ", start->key);
} else {
printTreeLevelOrderRecursive(start->left, level - 1);
printTreeLevelOrderRecursive(start->right, level - 1);
// Funktion zum ebenenweise Ausgeben des Baumes
void printTreeLevelOrder (node *start)
if ( ! start) return;
int depth, level;
depth = treeDepth(start);
for(level = 0; level < depth; level++)
printTreeLevelOrderRecursive(start, level);
// Suchen eines Knotens anhand des Keys
node *lookup (node *start, int key)
if (! start) return NULL;
if (start->key == key) return start;
if (key < start->key) return lookup(start->left, key);
return lookup(start->right, key);
int max(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return a;
return b;
int treeDepth (node *start)
if ( ! start) return 0;
return 1 + max(treeDepth(start->left), treeDepth(start->right));
int maxKey(node *start)
if ( ! start) return 0;
if (start->right)
return maxKey(start->right);
return start->key;
int minKey(node *start)
if (! start) return 0;
if (start->left)
return minKey(start->left);
return start->key;
// Hauptprogramm
int main(void)
// Variablen fuer den Baum anlegen
biTree employees;
employees.size = 0;
employees.root = NULL;
int id;
// Einlesen mehrerer Datensaetze von der Tastur
// und Einfügen in den Baum mittels insert()
// #define FIXTURES
#ifndef FIXTURES
char *data;
while (1)
data = malloc(255*sizeof(char));
printf(" ID: ");
scanf("%i", &id);
if ( ! id) break;
printf(" Name: ");
scanf("%s", data);
insert(&employees, id, data);
insert(&employees, 50, "F");
insert(&employees, 25, "B");
insert(&employees, 10, "A");
insert(&employees, 40, "D");
insert(&employees, 35, "C");
insert(&employees, 45, "E");
insert(&employees, 80, "G");
insert(&employees, 90, "I");
insert(&employees, 85, "H");
// Ausgabe des Baumes in Inline-Notation
printf("Inline Order\n");
// Ausgabe der Baumtiefe
printf("Tree Depth: %d\n", treeDepth(employees.root));
// Ausgabe von Minimum- und Maximum-Key
printf("Max Key: %d\n", maxKey(employees.root));
printf("Min Key: %d\n", minKey(employees.root));
// Ausgabe des Baumes in Levelorder
printf("Level Order:\n");
// Suchen nach Datensaetzen (laeuft in einer Schleife)
// wie in der Aufgabenstellung beschrieben
node * result;
while (1)
printf(" Search ID: ");
scanf("%i", &id);
if ( ! id) break;
result = lookup(employees.root, id);
if (result)
printf(" Name: %s\n", result->data);
} else {
printf("Personaldaten nicht gefunden!\n");
return 0;
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