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Last active November 9, 2017 21:38
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Flight Search
:- initialization(main).
main :-
routes(vie, nrt, R),
write(R), halt.
% data
flight(vie, nrt, 1000).
flight(vie, fra, 40).
flight(vie, cdg, 50).
flight(cdg, nrt, 800).
flight(fra, nrt, 800).
% algorithm
route(Dep, Arr, Route, Cost) :-
route(Dep, Arr, Route, 0, Cost).
route(Dep, Arr, [Dep, Arr], AccCost, FinalCost) :-
flight(Dep, Arr, Cost),
FinalCost is AccCost + Cost.
route(Dep, Arr, [Dep|C], AccCost, FinalCost) :-
flight(Dep, Z, Cost),
NewCost is AccCost + Cost,
route(Z, Arr, C, NewCost, FinalCost).
routes(Dep, Arr, Routes) :-
setof(C-R, route(Dep, Arr, R, C), Routes).
with recursive route(dep, arr, acc_route, acc_price) as (
select -- seed query
dep || '-' || arr as acc,
from flights
where dep = 'vie'
union all
select -- recursive query
acc_route || '-' || F.arr as acc_route,
acc_price + F.price
from route R, flights F
where R.arr = F.dep
select acc_route, acc_price -- final projection
from route
where arr = 'nrt'
order by acc_price
docker run --rm -i -t -v $(pwd):/source nacyot/prolog-swi:apt swipl -s /source/
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