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Created September 20, 2021 10:36
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(defn on-konami-code []
(prn :konami-code-detected))
(defn setup-konami-code-listener! []
{37 :left
38 :up
39 :right
40 :down
65 :a
66 :b}
; note: intentionally missing first up because last-at will block first valid key
code [:up :down :down :left :right :left :right :b :a]
max-delay 1500
valid-keys (set (vals key))
buffer (atom [])
last-at (atom 0)
tick #(reset! last-at (js/Date.))
(fn []
(reset! buffer [])
(fn [^js e]
(let [k (key (.-keyCode e))]
(if (and (valid-keys k)
(<= (- (js/Date.) @last-at) max-delay))
(swap! buffer conj k)
(when (= (take-last (count code) @buffer)
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