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Created December 15, 2015 18:38
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scss step animation mixin
// This mixin takes the pain out of CSS step functions and has a non CSS3 fallback
// @include css-step-animation(ofo-welcome, 60, 'pages/one_funnel_onboarding/welcome.png', 12000px);
@mixin css-step-animation($name, $frames, $sprite-url, $sprite-length, $speed: 2s, $iteration-count: 1, $direction: normal, $fill-mode: forwards) {
$frame-width: $sprite-length / $frames;
background-image: image-url($sprite-url);
background-position: (-$sprite-length + $frame-width) 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
@at-root {
.css-transform-support & {
@include animation-fill-mode($fill-mode);
@include animation-name($name);
@include animation-duration($speed);
@include animation-timing-function(steps($frames - 1, end));
@include animation-iteration-count($iteration-count);
@include animation-direction($direction);
background-size: auto 100%;
background-position: 0 0;
@include keyframes($name) {
to {
background-position: (-$sprite-length + $frame-width) 0;
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