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Created November 7, 2017 16:56
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
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// Create a variable name and assign
// it an object literal.
var animal = {};
* Dot Notation
animal.username = 'pig';
* Bracket notation
animal['tagline'] = 'hotdog';
* Add noises array to object
var noises = [];
animal.noises = noises;
* Output
// console.log(animal);
* Loops
var count = 0;
for (var key in animal) {
if (key === 'username') {
console.log('Hi my name is ' + animal[key]);
} else if (key === 'tagline') {
console.log('I like to say ' + animal[key]);
* Chapter II
* Array exercises
var noiseArray = ['meow'];
// add item to the beginning
// add item to the end
* Add item to the end using
* Brackets notation
noiseArray[noiseArray.length] = 'boow';
// Add noiseArray to animal object on
// noise propertie
animal.noises = noiseArray;
* Animal collection
var animals = [];
// Add the animal object to animals array
// Assing quackers object and assign it
var quackers = {
username: 'DaffyDuck',
tagline: 'Yippeee!',
noises: ['quack', 'honk', 'sneeze', 'growl']
// Create two more animals and
// push it to array
var camel = {
username: 'Watuki',
tagline: 'Heyyya',
noises: ['quick', 'cuiiit', 'quack', 'bow']
var kitty = {
username: 'Kittykat',
tagline: 'Meeeowwoowow',
noises: ['meeeaow', 'quiiiiick', 'oooar']
animals.push(quackers, camel, kitty)
console.log('animals obj', animals);
// Check length
* Functions
* encapsulation, part of code
* runs something
* A function is a blender
* You can have a factory that makes blender
// Function definition
// Function body
// Create Animal Maker with loop
var AnimalMaker = function AnimalMaker(name) {
return {
speak: function() {
console.log('my name is', name);
var myAnimal = AnimalMaker('Wootner');
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Tiger', 'Big Bird'];
for (i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++) {
/* Function's Exercise
* - Write a function AnimalTestUser
* - Has one string param (username)
* - Returns an object with username prop
var AnimalTestUser = function AnimalTestUser(username) {
var otherArgs = [];
// Check how many args are passed
// If there is more than one arg create a property otherArgs
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
// otherArgs is an array of remaining arguments
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// arguments is not a true array, convert it to array like
console.log('otherArgs', otherArgs);
return {
username: username,
otherArgs: otherArgs
var testSheep = AnimalTestUser('CottonBall', {'loves dancing': true}, [1,2,3]);
* Write a contruction function AnimalCreator
* - Construction Function has 4 params: username, species, tagline and noises
* - Animal object should have 5 props: username, species, noises, tagline and friends
* - noises and friends are arrays
var AnimalCreator = function AnimalCreator(username, species, tagline, noises) {
var animal = {
username: username,
species: species,
tagline: tagline,
noises: [],
friends: []
if (noises instanceof Array) {
for (i=0; i < noises.length; i++) {
else {
alert('Noises must be an array!');
return animal;
var sheep = AnimalCreator('Cloud', 'sheep', 'You can count on me!', ['baahhh', 'arrgg', 'chewchewchew'])
console.log('AnimalCreator', sheep);
* Write a function addFriend
* - Takes an animal object
* - Adds another animal object as a friend
var cow = AnimalCreator('Moo', 'cow', 'I am cow!', ['mooo', 'woo', 'coooow'])
console.log('AnimalCreator Cow', cow);
var addFriend = function(animal, friend) {
addFriend(sheep, cow);
// Add second friend
var llama = AnimalCreator('Zeny', 'llama', 'Whataa llama!', ['cuiii', 'lelz', 'refs'])
addFriend(sheep, llama);
// Make sure all animals have friends
addFriend(cow, llama);
addFriend(llama, sheep);
console.log('Sheep', sheep);
// Create a farm (myFarm) with 3 animal objects
var myFarm = [sheep, cow, llama];
console.log('Your farm', myFarm);
* Create addMatchesArray function
* - Takes an array of animal objects
* - Adds a new prop to each animal obj called matches
var addMatchesArray = function(animals) {
for (var i=0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].matches = [];
* Create a function giveMatches
* - Take array of animal objects
* - Selects a name from the friends array
* - Adds it to the matches array
* - Make sure all animal have friends
var giveMatches = function(animals) {
for (var i = 0; i < animals.lenght; i++) {
var selectedAnimal = animals[Math.floor(Math.random() * animals.length)];
console.log('Selected Animal', selectedAnimal);
return animals;
* Nesting
var box = {
innerbox: {}
console.log('box 1', box);
var box2 = {}
box2['innerbox'] = {}
box2['innerbox']['full'] = true;
console.log('box 2', box2);
// Tiple nesting
/* Assign by value or reference
* Objects, arrays and functions are by reference
* Primitives like string, boolean, undefined by value
var box = {};
box['innerBox'] = {};
box['innerBox'].full = true;
box: {
innerBox: {
full: true
box['innerBox']['height'] = 100;
// do it here
box.innerBox2 = {};
var innerBox2 = 'innerBox2';
box[innerBox2].full = false;
console.log('Box', box);
* ## Exercises for Nesting ##
* Represent relationships between two animals in our colection
* App has a friendlist on animal's profile whihc list animal's friends
// Create an array for the list of friend's usernames
var friends = [];
// Using animal array add two usernames to friends
friends.push(animals[0].username, animals[1].username);
console.log('Friends', friends);
// Create a relationship object
var relationships = {};
relationships.friends = friends;
// What's the length?
console.log('Relationships length', Object.keys(relationships).length); // undefined
// Create variable matches and assign it to an empty array
var matches = [];
// Add it to relationship object
relationships.matches = matches;
// Add at least one username to matches
// Loop animal collection and add relationship obj to each object
for (var i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].relationships = relationships;
// Inspect relationship object
console.log('Relationships', relationships);
// Inspect animals
console.log('Animals', animals)
* Scope: where variable have meaning
* - Created dynamically when in function call time
* - Everytime you call a function a scope is created
// Local Scope
var func = function() {
var local = true;
// console.log(local); // err!
// Global Scope (window object in browser)
var x = 'global';
// You can leave var off and make is global
function encapsulate() {
z = 'this is global, too!';
window.y = 'this is also global!';
// Parent vs Child Scope
// Which scopes have access to which variables ?
// The parent CANNOT access the child scope
// Where can we access this variables in this nested scope
// This is how you create private variables
// Scope is not created until you call function
var g = 'global';
function blender(fruit){
var b = fruit;
var y = 'yogurt';
function bs() {
alert( b + ' and ' + y + ' makes ' + b + ' swirl.');
* Precedence
* Which variable wins if you have two variables with same name
var g = 'global';
function go() {
var l = 'local';
var g = 'in here!';
console.log(g + ' inside go'); // in here! inside go
alert(g + ' outside go'); //global outside go
var inBlock = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var inBlock = true;
if (inBlock) {
console.log('Is there block scope? ' + !inBlock);
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">// Create a variable name and assign
// it an object literal.
var animal = {};
* Dot Notation
animal.username = 'pig';
* Bracket notation
animal['tagline'] = 'hotdog';
* Add noises array to object
var noises = [];
animal.noises = noises;
* Output
// console.log(animal);
* Loops
var count = 0;
for (var key in animal) {
if (key === 'username') {
console.log('Hi my name is ' + animal[key]);
} else if (key === 'tagline') {
console.log('I like to say ' + animal[key]);
* Chapter II
* Array exercises
var noiseArray = ['meow'];
// add item to the beginning
// add item to the end
* Add item to the end using
* Brackets notation
noiseArray[noiseArray.length] = 'boow';
// Add noiseArray to animal object on
// noise propertie
animal.noises = noiseArray;
* Animal collection
var animals = [];
// Add the animal object to animals array
// Assing quackers object and assign it
var quackers = {
username: 'DaffyDuck',
tagline: 'Yippeee!',
noises: ['quack', 'honk', 'sneeze', 'growl']
// Create two more animals and
// push it to array
var camel = {
username: 'Watuki',
tagline: 'Heyyya',
noises: ['quick', 'cuiiit', 'quack', 'bow']
var kitty = {
username: 'Kittykat',
tagline: 'Meeeowwoowow',
noises: ['meeeaow', 'quiiiiick', 'oooar']
animals.push(quackers, camel, kitty)
console.log('animals obj', animals);
// Check length
* Functions
* encapsulation, part of code
* runs something
* A function is a blender
* You can have a factory that makes blender
// Function definition
// Function body
// Create Animal Maker with loop
var AnimalMaker = function AnimalMaker(name) {
return {
speak: function() {
console.log('my name is', name);
var myAnimal = AnimalMaker('Wootner');
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Tiger', 'Big Bird'];
for (i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++) {
/* Function's Exercise
* - Write a function AnimalTestUser
* - Has one string param (username)
* - Returns an object with username prop
var AnimalTestUser = function AnimalTestUser(username) {
var otherArgs = [];
// Check how many args are passed
// If there is more than one arg create a property otherArgs
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
// otherArgs is an array of remaining arguments
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// arguments is not a true array, convert it to array like
console.log('otherArgs', otherArgs);
return {
username: username,
otherArgs: otherArgs
var testSheep = AnimalTestUser('CottonBall', {'loves dancing': true}, [1,2,3]);
* Write a contruction function AnimalCreator
* - Construction Function has 4 params: username, species, tagline and noises
* - Animal object should have 5 props: username, species, noises, tagline and friends
* - noises and friends are arrays
var AnimalCreator = function AnimalCreator(username, species, tagline, noises) {
var animal = {
username: username,
species: species,
tagline: tagline,
noises: [],
friends: []
if (noises instanceof Array) {
for (i=0; i < noises.length; i++) {
else {
alert('Noises must be an array!');
return animal;
var sheep = AnimalCreator('Cloud', 'sheep', 'You can count on me!', ['baahhh', 'arrgg', 'chewchewchew'])
console.log('AnimalCreator', sheep);
* Write a function addFriend
* - Takes an animal object
* - Adds another animal object as a friend
var cow = AnimalCreator('Moo', 'cow', 'I am cow!', ['mooo', 'woo', 'coooow'])
console.log('AnimalCreator Cow', cow);
var addFriend = function(animal, friend) {
addFriend(sheep, cow);
// Add second friend
var llama = AnimalCreator('Zeny', 'llama', 'Whataa llama!', ['cuiii', 'lelz', 'refs'])
addFriend(sheep, llama);
// Make sure all animals have friends
addFriend(cow, llama);
addFriend(llama, sheep);
console.log('Sheep', sheep);
// Create a farm (myFarm) with 3 animal objects
var myFarm = [sheep, cow, llama];
console.log('Your farm', myFarm);
* Create addMatchesArray function
* - Takes an array of animal objects
* - Adds a new prop to each animal obj called matches
var addMatchesArray = function(animals) {
for (var i=0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].matches = [];
* Create a function giveMatches
* - Take array of animal objects
* - Selects a name from the friends array
* - Adds it to the matches array
* - Make sure all animal have friends
var giveMatches = function(animals) {
for (var i = 0; i < animals.lenght; i++) {
var selectedAnimal = animals[Math.floor(Math.random() * animals.length)];
console.log('Selected Animal', selectedAnimal);
return animals;
* Nesting
var box = {
innerbox: {}
console.log('box 1', box);
var box2 = {}
box2['innerbox'] = {}
box2['innerbox']['full'] = true;
console.log('box 2', box2);
// Tiple nesting
/* Assign by value or reference
* Objects, arrays and functions are by reference
* Primitives like string, boolean, undefined by value
var box = {};
box['innerBox'] = {};
box['innerBox'].full = true;
box: {
innerBox: {
full: true
box['innerBox']['height'] = 100;
// do it here
box.innerBox2 = {};
var innerBox2 = 'innerBox2';
box[innerBox2].full = false;
console.log('Box', box);
* ## Exercises for Nesting ##
* Represent relationships between two animals in our colection
* App has a friendlist on animal's profile whihc list animal's friends
// Create an array for the list of friend's usernames
var friends = [];
// Using animal array add two usernames to friends
friends.push(animals[0].username, animals[1].username);
console.log('Friends', friends);
// Create a relationship object
var relationships = {};
relationships.friends = friends;
// What's the length?
console.log('Relationships length', Object.keys(relationships).length); // undefined
// Create variable matches and assign it to an empty array
var matches = [];
// Add it to relationship object
relationships.matches = matches;
// Add at least one username to matches
// Loop animal collection and add relationship obj to each object
for (var i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].relationships = relationships;
// Inspect relationship object
console.log('Relationships', relationships);
// Inspect animals
console.log('Animals', animals)
* Scope: where variable have meaning
* - Created dynamically when in function call time
* - Everytime you call a function a scope is created
// Local Scope
var func = function() {
var local = true;
// console.log(local); // err!
// Global Scope (window object in browser)
var x = 'global';
// You can leave var off and make is global
function encapsulate() {
z = 'this is global, too!';
window.y = 'this is also global!';
// Parent vs Child Scope
// Which scopes have access to which variables ?
// The parent CANNOT access the child scope
// Where can we access this variables in this nested scope
// This is how you create private variables
// Scope is not created until you call function
var g = 'global';
function blender(fruit){
var b = fruit;
var y = 'yogurt';
function bs() {
alert( b + ' and ' + y + ' makes ' + b + ' swirl.');
* Precedence
* Which variable wins if you have two variables with same name
var g = 'global';
function go() {
var l = 'local';
var g = 'in here!';
console.log(g + ' inside go'); // in here! inside go
alert(g + ' outside go'); //global outside go
var inBlock = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var inBlock = true;
if (inBlock) {
console.log('Is there block scope? ' + !inBlock);
// Create a variable name and assign
// it an object literal.
var animal = {};
* Dot Notation
animal.username = 'pig';
* Bracket notation
animal['tagline'] = 'hotdog';
* Add noises array to object
var noises = [];
animal.noises = noises;
* Output
// console.log(animal);
* Loops
var count = 0;
for (var key in animal) {
if (key === 'username') {
console.log('Hi my name is ' + animal[key]);
} else if (key === 'tagline') {
console.log('I like to say ' + animal[key]);
* Chapter II
* Array exercises
var noiseArray = ['meow'];
// add item to the beginning
// add item to the end
* Add item to the end using
* Brackets notation
noiseArray[noiseArray.length] = 'boow';
// Add noiseArray to animal object on
// noise propertie
animal.noises = noiseArray;
* Animal collection
var animals = [];
// Add the animal object to animals array
// Assing quackers object and assign it
var quackers = {
username: 'DaffyDuck',
tagline: 'Yippeee!',
noises: ['quack', 'honk', 'sneeze', 'growl']
// Create two more animals and
// push it to array
var camel = {
username: 'Watuki',
tagline: 'Heyyya',
noises: ['quick', 'cuiiit', 'quack', 'bow']
var kitty = {
username: 'Kittykat',
tagline: 'Meeeowwoowow',
noises: ['meeeaow', 'quiiiiick', 'oooar']
animals.push(quackers, camel, kitty)
console.log('animals obj', animals);
// Check length
* Functions
* encapsulation, part of code
* runs something
* A function is a blender
* You can have a factory that makes blender
// Function definition
// Function body
// Create Animal Maker with loop
var AnimalMaker = function AnimalMaker(name) {
return {
speak: function() {
console.log('my name is', name);
var myAnimal = AnimalMaker('Wootner');
var animalNames = ['Sheep', 'Tiger', 'Big Bird'];
for (i = 0; i < animalNames.length; i++) {
/* Function's Exercise
* - Write a function AnimalTestUser
* - Has one string param (username)
* - Returns an object with username prop
var AnimalTestUser = function AnimalTestUser(username) {
var otherArgs = [];
// Check how many args are passed
// If there is more than one arg create a property otherArgs
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
// otherArgs is an array of remaining arguments
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// arguments is not a true array, convert it to array like
console.log('otherArgs', otherArgs);
return {
username: username,
otherArgs: otherArgs
var testSheep = AnimalTestUser('CottonBall', {'loves dancing': true}, [1,2,3]);
* Write a contruction function AnimalCreator
* - Construction Function has 4 params: username, species, tagline and noises
* - Animal object should have 5 props: username, species, noises, tagline and friends
* - noises and friends are arrays
var AnimalCreator = function AnimalCreator(username, species, tagline, noises) {
var animal = {
username: username,
species: species,
tagline: tagline,
noises: [],
friends: []
if (noises instanceof Array) {
for (i=0; i < noises.length; i++) {
else {
alert('Noises must be an array!');
return animal;
var sheep = AnimalCreator('Cloud', 'sheep', 'You can count on me!', ['baahhh', 'arrgg', 'chewchewchew'])
console.log('AnimalCreator', sheep);
* Write a function addFriend
* - Takes an animal object
* - Adds another animal object as a friend
var cow = AnimalCreator('Moo', 'cow', 'I am cow!', ['mooo', 'woo', 'coooow'])
console.log('AnimalCreator Cow', cow);
var addFriend = function(animal, friend) {
addFriend(sheep, cow);
// Add second friend
var llama = AnimalCreator('Zeny', 'llama', 'Whataa llama!', ['cuiii', 'lelz', 'refs'])
addFriend(sheep, llama);
// Make sure all animals have friends
addFriend(cow, llama);
addFriend(llama, sheep);
console.log('Sheep', sheep);
// Create a farm (myFarm) with 3 animal objects
var myFarm = [sheep, cow, llama];
console.log('Your farm', myFarm);
* Create addMatchesArray function
* - Takes an array of animal objects
* - Adds a new prop to each animal obj called matches
var addMatchesArray = function(animals) {
for (var i=0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].matches = [];
* Create a function giveMatches
* - Take array of animal objects
* - Selects a name from the friends array
* - Adds it to the matches array
* - Make sure all animal have friends
var giveMatches = function(animals) {
for (var i = 0; i < animals.lenght; i++) {
var selectedAnimal = animals[Math.floor(Math.random() * animals.length)];
console.log('Selected Animal', selectedAnimal);
return animals;
* Nesting
var box = {
innerbox: {}
console.log('box 1', box);
var box2 = {}
box2['innerbox'] = {}
box2['innerbox']['full'] = true;
console.log('box 2', box2);
// Tiple nesting
/* Assign by value or reference
* Objects, arrays and functions are by reference
* Primitives like string, boolean, undefined by value
var box = {};
box['innerBox'] = {};
box['innerBox'].full = true;
box: {
innerBox: {
full: true
box['innerBox']['height'] = 100;
// do it here
box.innerBox2 = {};
var innerBox2 = 'innerBox2';
box[innerBox2].full = false;
console.log('Box', box);
* ## Exercises for Nesting ##
* Represent relationships between two animals in our colection
* App has a friendlist on animal's profile whihc list animal's friends
// Create an array for the list of friend's usernames
var friends = [];
// Using animal array add two usernames to friends
friends.push(animals[0].username, animals[1].username);
console.log('Friends', friends);
// Create a relationship object
var relationships = {};
relationships.friends = friends;
// What's the length?
console.log('Relationships length', Object.keys(relationships).length); // undefined
// Create variable matches and assign it to an empty array
var matches = [];
// Add it to relationship object
relationships.matches = matches;
// Add at least one username to matches
// Loop animal collection and add relationship obj to each object
for (var i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
animals[i].relationships = relationships;
// Inspect relationship object
console.log('Relationships', relationships);
// Inspect animals
console.log('Animals', animals)
* Scope: where variable have meaning
* - Created dynamically when in function call time
* - Everytime you call a function a scope is created
// Local Scope
var func = function() {
var local = true;
// console.log(local); // err!
// Global Scope (window object in browser)
var x = 'global';
// You can leave var off and make is global
function encapsulate() {
z = 'this is global, too!';
window.y = 'this is also global!';
// Parent vs Child Scope
// Which scopes have access to which variables ?
// The parent CANNOT access the child scope
// Where can we access this variables in this nested scope
// This is how you create private variables
// Scope is not created until you call function
var g = 'global';
function blender(fruit){
var b = fruit;
var y = 'yogurt';
function bs() {
alert( b + ' and ' + y + ' makes ' + b + ' swirl.');
* Precedence
* Which variable wins if you have two variables with same name
var g = 'global';
function go() {
var l = 'local';
var g = 'in here!';
console.log(g + ' inside go'); // in here! inside go
alert(g + ' outside go'); //global outside go
var inBlock = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var inBlock = true;
if (inBlock) {
console.log('Is there block scope? ' + !inBlock);
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