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Created April 1, 2022 05:40
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reads in dryft sample grf data, filters it, splits steps, normalizes to stance phase, then plots mean/sd waveform.
% relies on data and functions from
% Please cite the paper if you use it.
% This script reads in vgrf data, filters it, identifies stance phase,
% separates each stance phase, normalizes to stance phase, then plots
% the mean +/- SD vgrf waveform.
% Ryan Alcantara |
%% Read in data from force plate
% ripped straight from `sample.m`...
GRF = dlmread('custom_drift_S001runT25.csv'); % example from
%% Apply Butterworth filter
Fs = 300; % From Fukuchi et al. (2017) dataset
Fc = 50;
Fn = (Fs/2);
n_pass = 2;
order = 2;
C = (2^(1/n_pass)-1)^(1/(2*order)); % Correction factor per Research Methods in Biomechanics (2e) pg 288
Wn = (tan(pi*Fc/Fs))/C; % Apply correction factor to adjusted cutoff freq
Fc_corrected = atan(Wn)*Fs/pi; % Hz
[b, a] = butter(order, Fc_corrected/Fn);
GRF_filt = filtfilt(b, a, GRF);
%% Identify where stance phase occurs (foot on ground)
[stance_begin,stance_end, good_stances] = dryft.split_steps(GRF_filt,... %vertical GRF
140,... %threshold
Fs,... %Sampling Frequency
0.2,... %min_tc
0.4,... %max_tc
0); %(d)isplay plots = True
%% keep the stance phases that meet min/max tc requirements
b = stance_begin(good_stances); % b == begin of stance phase
e = stance_end(good_stances); % e == end of stance phase
%% Store all the stance phases sections of the waveform together
all_waveforms = cell(length(b),1);
for i = 1:length(b)
all_waveforms{i} = GRF_filt(b(i):e(i));
% we can see that each stance phase has slightly different lengths
disp('number of frames for each identified stance phase:')
disp(cellfun(@length, all_waveforms))
%% Loop through each stance phase and normalize to 101 data points (0-100% stance phase)
% prep matrix where we'll store normalized vGRF waveforms
norm_mat = NaN(size(all_waveforms,1), 101);
for i = 1:size(all_waveforms,1)
temp = all_waveforms{i};
% fill any missing values because interpolation will fail otherwise
temp_filled = fillmissing(temp, 'nearest',1);
% interpolate to 101 points using interp1
norm_mat(i,:) = interp1(linspace(0,100,length(temp_filled)), temp_filled, 0:100);
%% plot each step
hold on
for i = 1:size(norm_mat,1)
plot(norm_mat(i,:), 'color', [0.7, 0.7, 0.7])
% calculate mean of waveforms
mean_vgrf = mean(norm_mat);
sd_vgrf = std(norm_mat);
% plot mean
plot(mean_vgrf, 'LineWidth', 2, 'color', 'black')
%plot mean +/- 1 SD
plot(mean_vgrf+sd_vgrf, 'LineWidth', 0.5, 'color', 'black')
plot(mean_vgrf-sd_vgrf, 'LineWidth', 0.5, 'color', 'black')
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