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Created November 6, 2013 03:45
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# cards you own
# todo, go through and add sources from arenas
# e.g. (from Arena Draft #x)
# use #1gold to denote 1 gold card
# use #2gold to denote 2 gold cards
# use #arena <n> to denote cards from an arena pack for arena draft n (date)
# use #arena <n>d to denote cards that dropped
# use #pack <n> to denote cards from a pack (date)
# unknown: rewards from first free two packs and first two arenas
collection = []
def n_of(card_name):
global collection
dict_collection = dict(collection)
if card_name in dict_collection:
return dict_collection[card_name]
return 0
# Druid
collection += [["Innervate", 2],
["Moonfire", 2],
["Claw", 2],
["Mark of the Wild", 2],
["Wild Growth", 2],
["Healing Touch", 2],
["Savage Roar]", 2],
["Swipe", 2],
["Starfire", 2],
["Ironbark Protector", 2],
["Nourish", 2], #arena 7 17
["Force of Nature", 1], #arena 10
["Bite", 1],
["Wrath", 1], #arena 5
["Mark of Nature", 1], #arena 12
["Druid of the Claw", 1], #arena 13
["Naturalize", 1], #arena 16
["Power of the Wild", 1], #arena 17
# Hunter
collection += [["Hunter's Mark", 2],
["Arcane Shot", 2],
["Tracking", 2],
["Unleash the Hounds", 2], #arena 6 13d
["Timber Wolf", 2],
["Explosive Trap", 2], #arena 4 8
["Freezing Trap", 2], #arena 5
["Snipe", 1],
["Starving Buzzard", 2],
["Animal Companion", 2],
["Deadly Shot", 1], #arena 8
["Kill Command", 2],
["Multi-Shot", 2],
["Houndmaster", 2],
["Explosive Shot", 1], #arena 6
["Tundra Rhino", 2],
["Freezing trap", 1], #arena 13
# Mage
collection += [["Arcane Missiles", 2],
["Mirror Image", 2],
["Arcane Explosion", 2],
["Frost Nova", 2],
["Frostbolt", 2],
["Arcane Intellect", 3], #2gold
["Mirror Entity", 1], #arena 6
["Fireball", 2],
["Polymorph", 2],
["Water Elemental", 2],
["Flamestrike", 2],
["Kirin Tor Mage", 1], #arena 13
["Mana Wyrm", 1], #arena 14
["Cone of Cold", 2], #arena 15 20
["Ice Barrier", 2], #arena 17 20
["Vaporize", 1], #arena 23
# Paladin
collection += [["Light's Justice", 2],
["Blessing of Might", 2],
["Hand of Protection", 2],
["Humility", 2],
["Repentance", 1],
["Holy Light", 2],
["Truesilver Champion", 2],
["Blessing of Kings", 2],
["Consecration", 2],
["Hammer of Wrath", 2],
["Guardian of Kings", 2],
["Divine Favor", 1], #arena 12
["Blessed Champion", 1] #arena 16
# Priest
collection += [
# basic
["Holy Smite", 2],
["Mind Control", 2],
["Mind Vision", 2],
["Power Word: Shield", 2],
["Northshire Cleric", 2],
["Divine Spirit", 2],
["Mind Blast", 2], #2gold
["Shadow Word: Pain", 2],
["Shadow Word: Death", 2],
["Holy Nova", 2],
# expert
["Circle of Healing", 2], #arena 7 15
["Mass Dispel", 1],
["Temple Enforcer", 1], #arena 7
["Inner Fire", 1],
["Lightwell", 1], #arena 14
# Rogue
collection += [["Backstab", 2],
["Shadowstep", 1],
["Cold Blood", 1], #arena 11
["Deadly Poison", 2],
["Sinister Strike", 2], #1gold
["Betrayal", 1],
["Eviscerate", 1], #arena 9
["Sap", 2],
["Shiv", 2],
["Defias Ringleader", 1],
["Fan of Knives", 2],
["Headcrack", 2], #arena 10
["Assassin's Blade", 2],
["Assassinate", 2],
["Vanish", 2],
["Sprint", 2],
["Cold Blood", 1], #arena 15
["Betrayal", 1], #arena 16
# Shaman
collection += [["Ancestral Healing", 2], #1gold
["Totemic Might", 2],
["Forked Lightning", 2], #arena 10 14 22
["Frost Shock", 2],
["Rockbiter Weapon", 2],
["Stormforged Axe", 1], #arena 6
["Windfury", 2],
["Flametongue Totem", 2],
["Hex", 2],
["Windspeaker", 2],
["Bloodlust", 2],
["Fire Elemental", 2],
["Doomhammer", 1], #arena 17
["Earth Shock", 2], #arena 18 21
# Warlock
collection += [["Sacrificial Pact", 2],
["Soulfire", 2],
["Corruption", 2],
["Mortal Coil", 2],
["Blood Imp", 1], #arena 6
["Flame Imp", 2], #arena 8
["Voidwalker", 2],
["Demonfire", 2], #arena 4 16 17
["Succubus", 2],
["Drain Life", 2],
["Sense Demons", 2], #arena 4
["Shadow Bolt", 2],
["Void Terror", 1], #arena 11
["Hellfire", 2],
["Dread Infernal", 2],
["Twisting Nether", 2], #arena 13 24
["Power Overwhelming", 1], #arena 21
["Doomguard", 1], #arena 24
# Warrior
collection += [
# Basic
["Charge", 2], #1gold
["Execute", 2],
["Whirlwind", 2],
["Fiery War Axe", 2],
["Cleave", 2],
["Heroic Strike", 2], #2gold
["Shield Block", 2],
["Warsong Commander", 2],
["Kor'kron Elite", 2],
["Arcanite Reaper", 2],
# Expert
["Cruel Taskmaster", 2], #arena 4 10
["Slam", 1], #arena 5d
["Arathi Weaponsmith", 1], #arena 5
["Gorehowl", 1], #arena 9
["Commanding Shout", 1], #arena 19
["Rampage", 1], #arena 19
["Inner Rage", 1], #arena 21
# Neutral (by cost)
collection += [
# Basic
## 1s
["Elven Archer", 2],
["Goldshire Footman", 2],
["Grimscale Oracle", 2],
["Murloc Raider", 2],
["Stonetusk Boar", 2],
["Voodoo Doctor", 2],
## 2s
["Acidic Swamp Ooze", 2],
["Bloodfen Raptor", 2],
["Bluegill Warrior", 2],
["Frostwolf Grunt", 2],
["Kobold Geomancer", 2],
["Murloc Tidehunter", 2],
["Novice Engineer", 2],
["River Crocolisk", 2],
## 3s
["Dalaran Mage", 2],
["Ironforge Rifleman", 2],
["Ironfur Grizzly", 2],
["Magma Rager", 2],
["Raid Leader", 2],
["Razorfen Hunter", 2],
["Shattered Sun Cleric", 2],
["Silverback Patriarch", 2],
["Wolfrider", 2],
## 4s
["Chillwind Yeti", 2],
["Dragonling Master", 2],
["Dread Corsair", 2], #arena 5 7
["Gnomish Inventor", 2],
["Oasis Snapjaw", 2],
["Ogre Magi", 2],
["Sen'jin Shieldmasta", 2],
["Stormwind Knight", 2],
## 5s
["Booty Bay Bodyguard", 2],
["Darkscale Healer", 2],
["Frostwolf Warlord", 2],
["Gurubashi Berserker", 2],
["Nightblade", 2],
["Stormpike Commando", 2],
## 6s
["Archmage", 2],
["Boulderfist Ogre", 2],
["Lord of the Arena", 2],
["Reckless Rocketeer", 2],
["Core Hound", 2],
## 7s
["Stormwind Champion", 2],
["War Golem", 2],
## 8s
## 9s
## 10s
# Expert
## 0s
["Wisp", 1],
## 1s
["Lightwarden", 1], #arena 8
["Shieldbearer", 1], #arena 9
["Leper Gnome", 2], #arena 12 22
["Young Dragonhawk", 1], #arena 23
## 2s
["Ironbeak Owl", 2], #arena 17
["Mad Bomber", 2], #arena 13
["Sunfury Protector", 1], #arena 9
["Dire Wolf Alpha", 1], #arena 15
["Bloodsail Raider", 2], #arena 20 22 23
["Ancient Watcher", 1], #arena 20
["Knife Juggler", 1], #arena 21
## 3s
["Arcane Golem", 1], #arena 4
["Coldlight Oracle", 1], #arena 10
["Injured Blademaster", 2], #arena 17
["Questing Adventurer", 2], #1gold #arena 5 12
["Scarlet Crusader", 2], #arena 11 11 17 23
["Tauren Warrior", 1], #arena 11
["Demolisher", 1], #arena 22
["Harvest Golem", 1], #arena 23
## 4s
["Cult Master", 1],
["Mogu'shan Warden", 1], #arena 7
["Spellbreaker", 2], #arena 8 16
["Dark Iron Dwarf", 2], #arena 20 22 24
## 5s
["Fen Creeper", 2], #arena 24
["Spiteful Smith", 2], #arena 17 19 24
["Venture Co. Mercenary", 1], #arena 9
["Stranglethorn Tiger", 1], #1gold #arena 12
["Ancient Brewmaster", 1], #arena 20
## 6s
["Priestess of Elune", 1], #arena 21
["Sunwalker", 2], #arena 23
["Gelbin Mekkatorque", 1], #1gold
## 7s
["Ravenholdt Assassin", 1], #arena 15
## 8+
["Molten Giant", 1],
["Sea Giant", 2], #1gold #arena 14 19
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