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Created June 21, 2016 16:24
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This is the code used to generate the animation data for the video you can see here
import bpy
import csv
# This file is an attempt to work out the code needed to map
# results from Ciw to an animation in blender
# It requires the existence of objects with the following names
# in a blender scene:
# - Customer
# - Wait
# - Queue 1 Arrive
# - Queue 1 Exit
# - Queue 1 Service
# - Queue 1 Wait
# - Queue 2 Arrive
# - Queue 2 Exit
# - Queue 2 Service
# - Queue 2 Wait
def create_instance(obj):
This function given an object will create an instance of an object
and link it to the scene
# Get the mesh data from the original object
mesh =
# Create the new object
new_obj =, mesh)
# Link it to the scene
# Put the person in the 'Waiting area'
new_obj.location = bpy.context.scene.objects['Wait'].location
# Return the object
return new_obj
def map_time_to_frame(time):
Quite simple, given a time, it maps it to a frame number in the animation
# Let's go with 1 time unit = 1 sec = 25 frames for now
# rounded to the nearest whole number
return round(float(time) * 50)
def insert_loc_keyframe(obj, time, loc):
Given an object and a time inser a location keyframe for the
given position
# Make sure only this object is selected
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True
# Set the time and location
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = time
obj.location = loc
# Add the keyframe
def animate(actor, record):
This given, an actor and the relevant record will put the correct
key frames in place
# Get the queue the actor is joining
queue = str(record['Node'])
# It's probably cleaner if we define all the locations in one place
waiting_area = bpy.context.scene.objects['Wait'].location
spawn_point = bpy.context.scene.objects['Queue ' + queue + ' Arrive'].location
waiting_line = bpy.context.scene.objects['Queue ' + queue + ' Wait'].location
service_point = bpy.context.scene.objects['Queue ' + queue + ' Service'].location
exit_point = bpy.context.scene.objects['Queue ' + queue + ' Exit'].location
# Along with the times
arrival_time = map_time_to_frame(record['Arrival Date'])
wait_time = map_time_to_frame(record['Waiting Time'])
service_start_time = map_time_to_frame(record['Service Start Date'])
service_end_time = map_time_to_frame(record['Service End Date'])
exit_time = service_end_time + 5
# Time for the logic
# "Spawn" the actor by setting a keframe at 'arrival_time -1' and another at
# arrival time at the arrival point
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, arrival_time - 1, waiting_area)
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, arrival_time, spawn_point)
# Is this peron waiting, if so, set the keyframe at the waiting line
# else go straight to be served
if arrival_time < service_start_time:
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, service_start_time - 1, waiting_line)
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, service_start_time, service_point)
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, service_start_time, service_point)
# After service go away
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, service_end_time, service_point)
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, exit_time, exit_point)
insert_loc_keyframe(actor, exit_time + 1, waiting_area)
def create_actor(customer, record):
This function handles everything needed to create an actor for the
# Create a new actor
actor = create_instance(customer)
# Animate the object.
animate(actor, record)
customer = bpy.context.scene.objects['Customer']
# Load the simulation data
with open('/path/to/file.csv', 'r') as f:
sim = csv.DictReader(f)
for record in sim:
create_actor(customer, record)
This is just the example simulation given in the documentation for the Ciw library, which
you can find here
import ciw
params = {
'Arrival_distributions': {'Class 0': [['Exponential', 6.0], ['Exponential', 2.5]]},
'Number_of_nodes': 2,
'Detect_deadlock': False,
'Number_of_servers': [1, 1],
'Queue_capacities': ['Inf', 4],
'Number_of_classes': 1,
'Service_distributions': {'Class 0': [['Exponential', 8.5], ['Exponential', 5.5]]},
'Transition_matrices': {'Class 0': [[0.0, 0.2], [0.1, 0.0]]}
N = ciw.create_network(params)
Q = ciw.Simulation(N)
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Very neat!

Am I right in saying that here:

with open('/path/to/file.csv', 'r') as f:
    sim = csv.DictReader(f)

    for record in sim:
        create_actor(customer, record)

you're assuming that each record is a new customer? In fact each record is a service, and so more than one record could be mapped to the same customer, they're just going round and round the network. I think this would only matter if you were to animate the transitions between nodes.

Anyway, very cool!

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