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Factorio Computer V2 Specifications
1. Basic Specifications
1.1 Guidelines
1.2 Register File
1.3 ALU
1.4 Memory
1.5 Instruction Set
2. Instruction Specifications
2.1 Instruction Table
2.2 Assembler Pseudo-Instructions
2.3 Instruction Types
3. Processor Specifications
3.1 Clock and Step Outline
3.2 Other Structures
4. Implementation
4.1 IR Decoding Signals
4.2 Main Bus Signals
4.3 Internal Memory Signals
4.4 Control Signal Generator
1. Basic Specifications
1.1 Guidelines
- 16 Bit Word Length (Decimal Encoded / DE Signals)
- 5-Step RISC Style Architecture + Instruction Set
- Initial Memory: 256 Byte ROM, 256 Byte RAM
- Instruction Set to focus on ALU operations (with combinator logic) over immediate values
- Support for Memory-based peripherals such as I/O, Factory Control, or Display
- 2 Hz Clock / 2.5 s per instruction
1.2 Register File
- General Purpose Registers r0 - r8
- 3-Bit Addressable
- Dual Ported, Single Memory Design
- r0 = Zero Register
- r1 = Link Register
- r2-r7 = General Purpose Registers
1.3 ALU
- Support for all native factorio combinator operations
- Additional "compound" operations (rotate?)
- Comparison operators (1 if true, 0 if false)
1.4 Memory
- 512 Byte / 256 Word ROM (Read Only Memory)
- Implemented as constant combinators - used for program storage
- Word-Addressable - locations 0 - 512
- 128 Byte / 64 Word RAM (Random Access Memory)
- Implemented as chained 8x16-Bit SR-Latch Units
- Word-Addressable - locations 512 - 4096
1.5 Instruction Set
- Basic 16-Bit RISC Style Instruction Set.
- Standard 4-Bit opcode
- 3-Bit Register Identifier fields RD, RS, RT
- Immediate values:
- R-Type: [3b - RD][3b - RS][3b - RT][7b - OP]
- Most ALU Instructions (important use of the extended OP)
- C-Type: [3b - RD][3b - RS][6b - IMM][4b - OP]
- All branch instructions
- Immediate value instructions (both signed and logical 6b immediate)
- Memory operations
- L-Type: [11b - IMM][5b - OP]
- Call / Return Instructions
2. Instruction Specifications
2.1 Instruction Table
0 0000 | call | IMM | 1 | 1
1 0000 | return | n/a | 2 | 1
000 0001 | add | rX, rY, rZ | 3 | 2
001 0001 | sub | rX, rY, rZ | 4 | 2
010 0001 | mul | rX, rY, rZ | 5 | 2
011 0001 | div | rX, rY, rZ | 6 | 2
100 0001 | pow | rX, rY, rZ | 7 | 2
101 0001 | modulo | rX, rY, rZ | 8 | 2
110 0001 | and | rX, rY, rZ | 9 | 2
111 0001 | or | rX, rY, rZ | 10 | 2
000 0010 | xor | rX, rY, rZ | 11 | 2
001 0010 | xand | rX, rY, rZ | 12 | 2
010 0010 | lshift | rX, rY, rZ | 13 | 2
011 0010 | rshift | rX, rY, rZ | 14 | 2
100 0010 | lroll | rX, rY, rZ | 15 | 2
101 0010 | rroll | rX, rY, rZ | 16 | 2
110 0010 | | | 17 |
111 0010 | | | 18 |
0011 | store | rX, IMM(rY) | 19 | 3
0100 | load | rX, IMM(rY) | 20 | 3
0101 | brequal | rX, rY, IMM | 21 | 4
0110 | brnotequal| rX, rY, IMM | 22 | 4
0111 | brgreater | rX, rY, IMM | 23 | 4
1000 | brless | rX, rY, IMM | 24 | 4
1001 | addi | rX, rY, IMM | 25 | 5
1010 | muli | rX, rY, IMM | 26 | 5
1011 | divi | rX, rY, IMM | 27 | 5
1100 | andi | rX, rY, IMM | 28 | 6
1101 | ori | rX, rY, IMM | 29 | 6
1110 | lshifti | rX, rY, IMM | 30 | 6
1111 | rshifti | rX, rY, IMM | 31 | 6
2.2: Assembler / Compiler Pseudo-Instructions:
mov | rX, rY | add rX, r0, rY
movi | rX, IMM | addi rX, r0, IMM
movilong | rX, IMM | ori rX, r0, IMM[11-6] / lshifti rX, rX, 8 / ori rX, rX, IMM[5-0]
subi | rX, rY, IMM | addi rX, rY, -IMM
brgreatereq | rX, rY, IMM | brless rY, rX, IMM
brlesseq | rX, rY, IMM | brgreater rY, rX, IMM
brzero | rX, IMM | brequal rX, r0, IMM
brnotzero | rX, IMM | brnotequal rX, r0, IMM
2.3 Instruction Types
- High-Level Program Control: call / return
- Format: [11b (sign extend) - IMM][5b - OP]
- Both instructions have specific RTN which modifies the PC during cycle 4
- register ALU operations
- Format: [3b - RD][3b - RS][3b - RT][7b - OP]
- three register inputs, extended opcode, with all ALU operations used
- execution is very similar, aside from a different ALU control signal asserted
- Memory access: store / load
- Format: [3b - RD][3b - RS][6b (logical extend) - IMM][4b - OP]
- 6-Bit Logical extended offset (word addressed)
- All steps are utilized
- Low-Level Program Control: breaks
- Format: [3b - RD][3b - RS][6b (sign extend) - IMM][4b - OP]
- 6b sign extended offset - modifies PC in step 4
- compare operation done by ALU - then PC modified based on ALU Control out signals
TYPE 5 / 6:
- Register Immediate operations
- Both use a immediate value (5 = sign extend, 6 = logical extend)
- Format: [3b - RD][3b - RS][6b - IMM][4b - OP]
- Similar to register ALU counterpart operations
2.4 Instruction RTN
- All Instructions have a common first step:
- STEP 1: PC <- [PC] + 1, Memory Read (Address [PC]), [IR] <- Memory Data
- Some control signals are implicit, i.e. RA <- [r0] since that requires a RF-A-ID of 0, or default
- These are important (they must be asserted) but require no specific logic to implement
- Registers that don't have load enable (i.e. RY, RZ, RM) are still denoted in RTN if they experience change
call IMM:
- STEP 2: noop
- STEP 3: noop
- STEP 4: PC <- [PC] + 12b-Imm-Sign, RY <- [PC]
- STEP 5: r1 <- [RY]
- STEP 2: RA <- [r1]
- STEP 3: ALU Add, RZ <- ALU Result
- STEP 4: PC <= [RZ]
- STEP 5: noop
op rD, rS, rT
- STEP 2: RA <- [rS], RB <- [rT]
- STEP 3: ALU op, RZ <- ALU Result
- STEP 4: RY <- [RZ]
- STEP 5: rD <- [RY]
store rD, IMM(rS)
- STEP 2: RA <- [rS], RB <- [rD], ALU-B-IN <- 6b-Imm-Sign
- STEP 3: ALU Add, RZ <- ALU Result, RM <- [RB]
- STEP 4: Memory Write (Data [RM], Address [RZ])
- STEP 5: noop
load rD, IMM(rS)
- STEP 2: RA <- [rS], ALU-B-IN <- 6b-Imm-Sign
- STEP 3: ALU Add, RZ <- ALU Result
- STEP 4: Memory Read (Address [RZ]), RY <- Memory Data
- STEP 5: rD <- [RY]
brcmp rD, rS, IMM
- STEP 2: RA <- [rD], RB <- [rS]
- STEP 3: ALU cmp, RZ <- ALU Result
- STEP 4: If [RZ]=1: PC <- [PC] + 6-Imm-Sign
- STEP 5: noop
TYPE 5 / 6:
opi rD, rS, IMM
- STEP 2: RA <- [rS], ALU-B-In <- 6b-Imm-(Sign/Logical if type 5/6)
- STEP 3: ALU op, RZ <- ALU Result
- STEP 4: RY <- [RZ]
- STEP 5: rD <- [RY]
3. Processor Specifications
3.1 Clock and Step Outline
- 5 Distinct Steps
- Step Counter as a single 16-Bit D-FF with CLR
- Steps labeled as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- STEP 1: Instruction Fetch, IR Load, PC Load
- STEP 2: IR Decode, RA, RB Load
- STEP 3: ALU Operation, RZ Load, RM Load
- STEP 4: Memory Fetch, RY Load or PC Load
- STEP 5: RF Load
3.2 Internal Structure
- RA, RB, RY, RZ, RM implemented as 16-Bit D-FF with CLR
- IR, PC, 16-Bit D-FF with CLR, LE
- Other Units: RF, ALU, PC-IAG, RB-Mux, RY-Mux, PMI
4. Implementation
4.1 IR Decoding Signals
- Instructions are encoded via one of the following patterns, MBS to LSB Left to Right:
- R-Type: [3b - RD][3b - RS][3b - RT][7b - OP]
- C-Type: [3b - RD][3b - RS][6b - IMM][4b - OP]
- L-Type: [11b - IMM][5b - OP]
I - IR Value
I - Instruction ID
T - Instruction Type
X - Register RD
Y - Register RS
Z - Register RT
1 - 11-Bit Imm, Sign Extend
5 - 6-Bit Imm, Sign Extend
6 - 6-Bit Imm, Logical Extend
4.2 Main Bus Signals
A - RA Output
B - RB Output
M - RM Output
Z - RZ Output
Y - RY Output
P - PC Output
1 - 12-Bit Imm, Sign Extend
5 - 6-Bit Imm, Sign Extend
6 - 6-Bit Imm, Logical Extend
N - Memory Return Data
K - Global CLK (Clock) Signal
R - Global Active-Low Async. Reset Signal
V - Global Enable Signal (for clock and step counter)
A - RF Address for RA
B - RF Address for RB
C - RF Address for RY (Write)
F - RF Write Signal
I - IR Load Enable
P - PC Load Enable
E - RB-Mux Select (1: RF, 2: 6-Imm-Sign, 3: 6-Imm-Logical)
G - RY-Mux Select (1: RZ, 2: PC, 3: Memory Data)
H - PC-IAG Select (1: PC + 1, 2: PC + 6-Imm-Sign, 3: PC + 12-Imm-Sign, 4: RZ)
M - Memory Read
W - Memory Write
J - ALU Operation Select (16+ choices)
L - Memory Address Select (1: PC, 2: RZ)
S - Step Counter Value
4.3 Internal Memory Signals
S - Memory Address
I - Input Data
O - Output Data
R - Read Signal
W - Write Signal
SRAM Signals:
S - Set
R - Reset
M - Memory Address
O - Memory Value
4.4 Control Signal Generator
- Two control signals are asserted via external circuitry: K (CLK) and R (CLR)
- Other control signals are asserted via combinational logic from input values
- Input values consist of: IR output fields (ITXYZ156), step counter (S), and choice other data values (RZ)
- Logic is laid out in the following pattern: (S=0 AND (p or..)) OR (S=1 AND (q or..)) ..
- Signals that only activate on certain steps only utilize certain columns in the above derivation.
- Signals that are constant per instruction also ignore the above pattern and just present a series of OR statements
3-Bit Address [A]: (RF Address for RA)
- (return) I=2: 1
- (op) T=2: Y
- (load/store) T=3: Y
- (brcmp) T=4: X
- (opi sign) T=5: Y
- (opi logic) T=6: Y
3-Bit Address [B]: (RF Address for RB)
- (op) T=2: Z
- (store) I=19: X
- (brcmp) T=4: Y
3-Bit Address [C]: (RF Address for RY (Write))
- (call) I=1: 1
- (op) T=2: X
- (load) I=20: X
- (opi sign) T=5: X
- (opi logic) T=6: X
Control [F]: (RF Write Signal)
- S=5 AND (T=1, T=2, I=20, T=5, T=6)
Control [I]: (IR Load Enable)
- S=1
Control [P]: (PC Load Enable)
- S=1
- S=4 AND (T=1, T=4: RZ) *** This is a special case if T=4, output the RZ value ***
Control [E]: (RB-Mux Select, 1: RB, 2: 6-Imm-Sign, 3: 6-Imm-Logical)
- T=2: 1
- T=3: 2
- T=4: 1
- T=5: 2
- T=6: 3
Control [G]: (RY-Mux Select, 1: RZ, 2: PC, 3: Memory Data)
- I=1: 2
- T=2: 1
- I=20: 3
- T=5: 1
- T=6: 1
Control [H]: (PC-IAG Select, 1: PC + 1, 2: PC + 6-Imm-Sign, 3: PC + 12-Imm-Sign, 4: RZ)
- S=1: 1
- S=4 AND I=1: 3
- S=4 AND I=2: 4
- S=4 AND T=4: 2
Control [M]: (Memory Read)
- S=1: 1
- S=4 AND I=20: 1
Control [W]: (Memory Write)
- S=4 AND I=19: 1
Control [L]: (Memory Address Select, 1: PC, 2: RZ)
- S=1: 1
- S=4: 2
Control [J]: (ALU Operation Select, 16+ choices)
- I=2: Add
- T=2: Op (given by I)
- T=3: Add
- T=4: Compare (given by I)
- T=5: Op (given by I)
- T=6: Op (given by I)
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Holy jesus. How long it took to complete the project?

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From initial idea to functionally complete, was about two weeks. In total around 26 hours of in-game playtime.

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