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Created November 12, 2015 12:33
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A script searching for computers in AD by names' wildcard
# get a list of hosts with names matching a wildcard from AD
# on RedHat-based systems python-ldap package is required
import ldap
# get a field from ldap results
res_field = lambda r, n: r[1][n][0]
# send search query to ldap and get a result
ldap_search = lambda ldap_srv, wld_card: ldap_srv.search_s('ou=servers,dc=example,dc=com',
'(&(objectclass=computer)(name=%s))' % wld_card,
# return a list of hosts with names matching a wildcard
def lst_hosts(wld_card):
ldap_srv = ldap.initialize('ldap://')
ldap_srv.simple_bind_s('', 'ver7s3ctertw0rd')
return [res_field(res, 'name').lower() for res in ldap_search(ldap_srv, wld_card)]
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