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Last active September 23, 2019 14:20
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Configure GPAW on euler cluster


  • Compiler: python/3.1.1 (shipped) gcc-6.3.0, open_mpi/3.0.0, libxc/4.3.0, fftw/3.3.3, openblas/0.2.13_seq, scalapack
  • tar for numpy scipy matplotlib

Working on virtualenv

python -m venv gpaw
source ~/.virtualenv/gpaw/bin/activate

Alternatively, if you want to use the shipped =numpy= and =scipy= versions, then install the virtualenv with system-package enabled like

python -m venv --system-site-packages gpaw

Now we are working on a clean virtualenv with all packages to be installed

Compile numpy with openblas

/Skip these steps if you choose to use the virtualenv with system-site-packages/

Download the numpy source from git repo or from the PyPI:

pip download --no-binary=:all: numpy

Create site.cfg to cope with compiler and library information

cd 'path/to/numpy'
cp site.cfg.example site.cfg

Uncomment and modify the section with openblas

libraries = openblas
library_dirs = /cluster/apps/openblas/0.2.13_seq/x86_64/gcc_5.2.0/lib
include_dirs = /cluster/apps/openblas/0.2.13_seq/x86_64/gcc_5.2.0/include
runtime_library_dirs = /cluster/apps/openblas/0.2.13_seq/x86_64/gcc_5.2.0/lib

install numpy

python build && python install

check numpy configuration

python -c "import numpy;"

Check if openblas_info and openblas_lapack_info are correct.

Compile scipy

More straightforward than numpy. The OpenBLAS environment can be automatically detected if numpy corrected compiled.

cd 'path/to/numpy'
python build
python install

check numpy configuration

python -c "import scipy;"

Alternative install with pip

Define the flag OPENBLAS before pip install. In some cases one or more packages are not compiled against OpenBLAS so you may with recompile manually.

OPENBLAS=$GOTOBLAS2/lib python -m pip install --upgrade --no-binary numpy
OPENBLAS=$GOTOBLAS2/lib python -m pip install --upgrade --no-binary scipy
OPENBLAS=$GOTOBLAS2/lib python -m pip install --upgrade matplotlib

Other packages

matplotlib ase

(Alternative) compile libxc to a recent version

Follow the instructions on for the installation. Optionally install the python bindings to the libxc (from the root dir of libxc)

python -m pip install .

Install libvdwxc

Follow the instructions on the website and specify the root path. MPI compiler is compulsory in some cases as the build system cannot detect the mpicc automatically

./configure --with-mpi CC="mpicc" FC="mpif90" --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV/dependency/libvdwxc"
make && make install

Install ELPA

Download the ELPA package (such as and check the inside. For successfull installation of ELPA, use both GNU version of =CC= and =FC=, and disable =AVX2= support:

configure FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc --disable-avx2 --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV/dependency/elpa"
make && make install

Test installations

Requires nose and pytest

python -c "import numpy; numpy.test()"
python -c "import scipy; scipy.test()"
ase test

Install GPAW

Download the newest version of GPAW (currently 19.8.1) Modify the, enable the nessary parts (=openblas=, =libxc=, =libvdwxc=, =elpa=)

Alternatively you may need to add the lib64 with into LIBRARY_PATH (not LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

A sample configuration file looks like:

import os, os.path
from os.path import expandvars
libraries = ["openblas"]
library_dirs += [expandvars("$MODULE_openblas_ROOT_DIR/lib")]
#library_dirs = [""]

# flake8: noqa

compiler = 'gcc'
mpicompiler = 'mpicc'  # use None if you don't want to build a gpaw-python
mpilinker = 'mpicc'
platform_id = 'euler-centos'

# FFTW3:
fftw = True
if fftw:
    libraries += ['fftw3']
    library_dirs += [expandvars("$FFTW3_ROOT_DIR/lib64")]

# ScaLAPACK (version 2.0.1+ required):
scalapack = True
if scalapack:
    libraries += ['scalapack']
    library_dirs += ["$MODULE_scalapack_ROOT_DIR/lib"]
    define_macros += [('GPAW_NO_UNDERSCORE_CBLACS', '1')]
    define_macros += [('GPAW_NO_UNDERSCORE_CSCALAPACK', '1')]

# Build MPI-interface into
parallel_python = True
if not parallel_python:
    compiler = 'mpicc'
    define_macros += [('PARALLEL', '1')]
    mpicompiler = None

# Use Elpa (requires ScaLAPACK and Elpa API 20171201):
if 1:
    elpa = True
    elpadir = expandvars("$VIRTUAL_ENV/dependency/elpa")
    libraries += ['elpa']
    library_dirs += ['{}/lib'.format(elpadir)]
    extra_link_args += ['-Wl,-rpath={}/lib'.format(elpadir)]
    include_dirs += ['{}/include/elpa-2019.05.001'.format(elpadir)]

# LibXC:
# In order to link libxc installed in a non-standard location
# (e.g.: configure --prefix=/home/user/libxc-2.0.1-1), use:

# - dynamic linking (requires rpath or setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime):
if 1:
    xc = expandvars('$MODULE_libxc_ROOT_DIR')
    include_dirs += [xc + 'include']
    library_dirs += [xc + 'lib']
    # You can use rpath to avoid changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
    extra_link_args += ['-Wl,-rpath={xc}/lib'.format(xc=xc)]
    if 'xc' not in libraries:

# libvdwxc:
if 1:
    libvdwxc = True
    path = expandvars('$VIRTUAL_ENV/dependency/libvdwxc-build')
    extra_link_args += ['-Wl,-rpath=%s/lib' % path]
    library_dirs += ['%s/lib' % path]
    include_dirs += ['%s/include' % path]
    libraries += ['vdwxc']

Then install with normal install procedure

python setup build && python setup install

If installation succeeded but some errors occur, use the method below to delete the files generated (pip uninstall incapable)


Run the tests like on the website

gpaw info #test basic settings, only scalapack flag is no
gpaw test -j 8 #depends on the system
gpaw-python -m gpaw info #scalapack flag should also be yes
mpiexec -n 24 gpaw-python -m gpaw test #may need to submit to the job queue

Make the module file

mkdir -p ~/modules/gpaw/
emacs -nw ~/modules/gpaw/gcc_5.2.0

Then edit the contents in the "gcc_5.2.0" modulefile:

#stat:moddep:gcc/5.2.0 open_mpi/1.10.0 openblas/0.2.13_seq scalapack/2.0.2 fftw/3.3.4 libxc/3.0.0

proc ModulesHelp { } {
    global helpmsg
    puts stderr "\t$helpmsg\n"

set version gcc_5.2.0
set curmod  [module-info name]

set topdir  /cluster/home/ttian/.virtualenvs/gpaw/bin/

# check if requirements are met
set envguess  [exec /cluster/apps/scripts/ --path=compiler=__CC__\ open_mpi=__MPI__]
set need_cb   "gcc"
set need_cc   "5.2.0"
set need_ompi "1.10.0"

#   if { [string compare $envguess "compiler=${need_cb}_$need_cc open_mpi=$need_ompi"] != 0 } {
#     puts stderr "$curmod error: this module requires $need_cb/$need_cc and open_mpi/$need_ompi to be loaded."
#      puts stderr "hint: run 'module purge ; module load $need_cb/$need_cc open_mpi/$need_ompi $curmod' to resolve this problem."
#      break
#   }
if { [string compare $envguess "compiler=${need_cb}_$need_cc open_mpi=$need_ompi"] != 0 } {
        module load ${need_cb}/$need_cc
        module load open_mpi/$need_ompi
	module load openblas/0.2.13_seq
	module load fftw/3.3.4
	module load scalapack/2.0.2
	module load libxc/3.0.0
	module load python/3.6.0

# virtualenv
if { [module-info mode load] || [module-info mode switch2] } {
    puts stdout "source /cluster/home/ttian/.virtualenvs/gpaw/bin/activate;"
} elseif { [module-info mode remove] && ![module-info mode switch3] } {
    puts stdout "deactivate;"

# not reached on error

Finally add the following line in .bashrc or .bash_profile to enable local modules:

module use $HOME/modules
Copy link

current version 19.8.1

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