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Last active October 28, 2021 21:31
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  • Save alchen99/72c0afaf9d2352fecbdeec7c354b6aa7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alchen99/72c0afaf9d2352fecbdeec7c354b6aa7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cloud Init / Userdata for setting up Minnaker using Operator
repo_update: true
repo_upgrade: all
- curl
- make
- screen
- tmux
- tree
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- snap install --classic go
- snap install --classic aws-cli
- snap install docker helm3 helm-snap http jq starship yq
- id
- echo '# starship prompts' >> /root/.bashrc
- echo 'if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/starship || -f /snap/bin/starship ]]; then echo 'eval "$(starship init bash)"'; fi' >> /root/.bashrc
- mkdir /root/.config && mkdir /home/ubuntu/.config
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/.config/starship.toml
- cp /home/ubuntu/.config/starship.toml /root/.config/starship.toml
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/.bashrc-ext
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/.vimrc
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/.tmux.conf
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/.screenrc
- # REPLACE with your own gist for .gitconfig
- curl -s "$USER/f41338d02afa5b304d699753d00c8bf2/raw/9b2015b36618827b630ce62ef162338c564fe93e/.gitconfig" -o /home/ubuntu/.gitconfig
- curl -s "" >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc
- chmod 644 /home/ubuntu/.bashrc-ext /home/ubuntu/.vimrc /home/ubuntu/.tmux.conf /home/ubuntu/.screenrc /home/ubuntu/.gitconfig
- # REPLACE $SOME_BUCKET with your S3 bucket
- # the ssh-min.tar.gz file has the SSH key used fetch the GitHub private repo and an SSH config file that has a config for gitspinoppatch
- aws s3 cp s3://$SOME_BUCKET/ssh-min.tar.gz - --region us-east-1 --sse AES256 | tar xvfz - -C /
- su - ubuntu -c "git clone /home/ubuntu/.tmux/plugins/tpm"
- su - ubuntu -c "git clone -b traefik2 /home/ubuntu/minnaker"
- curl -s "" -o /home/ubuntu/minnaker/ && chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/minnaker/
- su - ubuntu -c "git clone"
- chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu
# REPLACE argument for --git-spinnaker with your repo and replace argument for --branch with your branch
- su - ubuntu -c "cd /home/ubuntu/minnaker && scripts/ --nowait --git-spinnaker gitspinoppatch:armory-io/spinnaker-kustomize-patches.git --branch $YOUR_BRANCH --traefik2 -x"
- /home/ubuntu/minnaker/
- awk 'NR==1{print; print "EXT_IP := $(shell cat /home/ubuntu/minnaker/spinsvc/secrets/public_ip)"; print "GRAF_PASS := $(shell cat /home/ubuntu/minnaker/spinsvc/secrets/spinnaker_password)"} NR!=1' /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring/Makefile > /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring/Makefile2
- curl -s -o Makefile.add && cat Makefile.add >> /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring/Makefile2 && mv /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring/Makefile2 /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring/Makefile && rm Makefile.add
- chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu
- kubectl config set-context default --namespace default
- su - ubuntu -c "ln -s /home/ubuntu/minnaker/spinsvc install; cd /home/ubuntu/cluster-monitoring && make k3s"
- echo "Deleting Traefik pod to reload config" && traefikPod=`kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep -e '^traefik-.*' | cut -d' ' -f1` && kubectl -n kube-system delete pod $traefikPod
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