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Created October 25, 2012 02:21
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#define MAXN 100001
#define MAXST 262144
#define left(i) (i<<1)+1
#define center(l, r) (l+r)>>1
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
int sts[26][MAXST], n, adds[26][MAXST];
void stupdate(int st[], int add[], int i, int j, int up, int idx=0, int l=0, int r=n-1) {
int L = left(idx), R = L+1, mid = center(l, r);
if(add[idx]) {
st[idx] = add[idx]>0?r-l+1:0;
if(l!=r) {
add[L] = add[idx];
add[R] = add[idx];
add[idx] = 0;
if(l>=i and r<=j) {
st[idx] = up>0?r-l+1:0;
if(l!=r) {
add[L] = up;
add[R] = up;
if(l>j or r<i)
stupdate(st, add, i, j, up, L, l, mid);
stupdate(st, add, i, j, up, R, mid+1, r);
st[idx] = st[L] + st[R];
int stq(int st[], int add[], int i, int j, int idx=0, int l=0, int r=n-1) {
int L = left(idx), R = L+1, mid = center(l, r);
if(add[idx]) {
st[idx] = add[idx]>0?r-l+1:0;
if(l!=r) {
add[L] = add[idx];
add[R] = add[idx];
add[idx] = 0;
if(l>=i and r<=j)
return st[idx];
if(l>j or r<i)
return 0;
return stq(st, add, i, j, L, l, mid)+stq(st, add, i, j, R, mid+1, r);
vector<pii> toact;
bool poss(int ini, int fin) {
int q = fin-ini+1, h;
bool impares = false;
pii impar;
for(int i=0; q and i<26; i++) {
h = stq(sts[i], adds[i], ini, fin);
//cerr<<ini<<" "<<fin<<": "<<i<<"; "<<h<<endl;
if((h%2)==0) {
if(h) {
toact.push_back(pii(i, h));
q -= h;
else {
return false;
impares = true;
impar = pii(i, 1);
toact.push_back(pii(i, h-1));
q -= h;
return true;
void modify(int ini, int fin) {
//cerr<<"# "<<toact.size()<<endl;
int u, h;
int i2=ini, f2=fin;
for(int i=0; i<toact.size(); i++) {
u = toact[i].first;
h = toact[i].second;
//cerr<<"# "<<string(1,'a'+u)<<" "<<h<<": "<<i2<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if(h!=1) {
stupdate(sts[u], adds[u], ini, fin, -1);
if(h) {
stupdate(sts[u], adds[u], i2, i2+h/2-1, 1);
stupdate(sts[u], adds[u], f2-h/2+1, f2, 1);
i2 += h/2;
f2 -= h/2;
stupdate(sts[u], adds[u], i2, f2, 1);
int main() {
memset(sts, 0, sizeof sts);
memset(adds, 0, sizeof adds);
int k;
string s;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
stupdate(sts[s[i]-'a'], adds[s[i]-'a'], i, i, 1);
int i, j;
while(k--) {
scanf("%d %d", &i, &j);
i--, j--;
if(poss(i, j))
modify(i, j);
string ans;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
for(int j=0; j<26; j++)
if(stq(sts[j], adds[j], i, i)) {
return 0;
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