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Last active July 26, 2023 18:59
Configuration: Repeating Instruments & Events
Given I click on the link labeled "Project Setup"
Then I should see "Repeating instruments and events"
When I open the dialog box for the Repeatable Instruments and Events module
And I close the popup
And I select "-- not repeating --" on the dropdown field labeled "Event 1 (Arm 1: Arm 1)"
And I select "Repeat Instruments (repeat independently of each other)" on the dropdown field labeled "Event Three (Arm 1: Arm 1)"
And I select "Repeat Entire Event (repeat all instruments together)" on the dropdown field labeled "Event 2 (Arm 1: Arm 1)"
And I check the checkbox labeled "Survey"
And I click on the button labeled "Save"
Then I should see a dialog containing the following text: "Your settings for repeating instruments and/or events have been successfully saved."
#Do this to ensure that the alert box closes
Given I click on the button labeled "Close" in the dialog box
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