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Last active July 1, 2016 15:27
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HTML sheat sheet

HTML Cheat Sheet

  • html, title, head, body tags are the bare bones of a web page, barebones example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

Document information

  • <base/> The base URL is usefull for especifying all relative links in a document

  • <style> To include document style information typically in CSS, inline.

  • <meta/> Spells information about the page, including page's description, author, published date, keywords, an other tipically "hidden" information

  • <link/> can be use to create relationships with external pages or documents, including style sheets

  • <script> Includes all scripting infornation, or link to external scripts. Can be included in the body to dinamically generate content.

Document structure

  • <h1..h6> All six level of headings

  • <div> A generic container use to denote page section

  • <span> An inline section or block container, tipically used for grouping styling elements

  • <p> This fundational tag is used to organize paragraphs of text

  • <br/> Creates a line break (or old school carrier-return), useful for writing blocks of text that need to be in diferent lines

Text formating

  • <strong> Exactly like it sounds, indicating STRONG emphasis, displayed bold in most browsers

  • <b> Another way to create bold text, however it's more for drawing attention, as opposed to emphasizing extra emphasis like previous tag

  • <em> The emphasis tag also are like they sound, emphasising text or phrases displayed as italics in most browsers

  • <i> Another way to add italics to text, however without the added emphasis (similar to bold text above) or instead used to denote things like thoughts or names

  • <strike> This tag creates strike through text (or text with a line through it). Not commonly supported

  • <cite> Tag used to cite or reference information, usefull for quotes and statements in a document

  • <pre> Pre-formatted, 'monospaced' text laid out with whitespace inside the element intact

  • <del> Helps denote previously deleted section of text

  • <ins> Represents a section of text that's been inserted into the document.

  • <blockquote> Reserved for long paragraphs of quotations, often cited

  • <q> These are usefull for shorter quotations

  • <abbr> Abbreviation, these help denote abbreviations, while also making the full form available example: <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr>

  • <address> A helpfully obvious tag that display the author's contact information.

  • <dfn> Definifion, used to create an inline definition in the body text

  • <code> Code text, display code snippets, typically monospaced

  • <sub> Subscript text, A helpfull way to subscript text (shrinking it and placing it half line lower than the previous text)

  • <sup> Superscript text, A helpfull way to subscript text (shrinking it and placing it half line higher than the previous text)

  • <small> Small size text, Historically used to simply reduce text size, in HTML5 it also refers to information that may no longer be valid, accured or relevant

  • <bdo> The bidirectional override tag will identify which should text should be read opposite from the preceeding text

Links (+ formating)

  • <a href=""><a/> Anchor text for hiperlink

  • <a name="mailto:">...</a> A link to pull up an ongoing message to specific email addresses

  • <a href="tel://###-####"></a> A link to make phone numbers clickable, specially usefull for mobile users

  • <a name="name"></a> An anchor element that's usefull for bringingusers to specific document elements

  • <a href="#name"></a> An anchor link that brings users specifically to a element

Images (+ formating)

  • <img /> An image tag to include and display image files

  • src="url" Exactly what it sounds. The URL of the image to display

  • alt="text" Alternative text that helps explain the image content both search engines and users

  • height="" Specify the image height in pixels or percentages

  • width="' Specify the width in pixels or percentages

  • align="" The alignment of the image relative to other elements in the page

  • border="" Explains the border tickness (if any)

  • <map> Helps you tell the users that this is an interactive image with clickable areas

  • <map name=""> Name of the map associated between the image and the map

  • <area/> Specifi the area of image map


<map name="planetmap">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.html" alt="Sun">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.html" alt="Sun">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.html" alt="Sun">

List (+ formating)

  • <ol> Create an ordered (numbered) list, showing sequential order, preference or priority

  • <ul> Creates a unordered (bulleted) list without any extra emphasis or order of importance`

  • <li> Specifies each list item

  • <dl> Reserved specifically for list items definitions

  • <dt> The definition term

  • <dd> The description of the defined term

Forms (+ formating)

  • <form> The form element creates a form, spelling out how the form will operate based on it's attributes

  • action="" Specifies where the data will be send

  • method="" Refers to the method [GET,POST], which indicated how the data will be send

  • enctype="" Dictates how the form-data is to be encoded when submiting information back to the server (for post only)

  • autocomplete dictates whether a form should have autocomplete on or off

  • novalidate Dicated whether the form should not be validated when submited

  • accept-charsets Identifies the character encoding upon the form submission

  • target Tells where to display the form response, generally one of the following [_ blank,_ self,_ parent,_ top]

  • <fielset> Identifies the group of all the fields on the form

  • <label> A simple field label, thelling the user what to enter in each field

  • <legend> The form legend acts as a caption for the fieldset element

  • <input /> The form input attribute defines the type of field information to receive from a user.

  • <button> Defines a clickable button

input type attributes

  • type="" Specifies the field input type, typically including text, password, date-time, checkbox, submit

  • name="" Describes the name of the form

  • value="" Describes the value or input field information

  • size="" Specifies the input element width in characters

  • maxlength="" Specifies the maximum input element character numbers allowed

  • required Another helpfull explicit tagm making sure the <input> element is completly filled out prior the user submitting the form

  • step="" Identifies the legal number intervals for an iput field

  • width="" Specifies the width in pixels for an input element

  • height="" Dictates de height in pixels of an <input> element

  • placeholder="" Provides a helpfull hint to the user, describing what the <input> element value should be

  • pattern="" Identifies a regular expression that the <input> element gets checked against, making sure the user entered the correct information

  • min="" The minimim value allowed for the element

  • max="" The maximum value allowed for the element

  • autofocus Says to make sure that the <input> element comes into focus after the pages loads

  • disabled Disables an <input> element on the form

  • <textarea> Specifies a largetext input for longer messages

  • <select> Describes a drop-down box for user's to select one from a variety of options

Select attributes

  • name="" The name of the drop-down

  • size="" Specifies the number of available, visible options in a drop-down

  • multiple Allows for multiple selections to be made at one time

  • required Requies that the value os selected before a user can submit a form

  • autofocus Specifies that the drop-down list autmatically comes into focus after a page loads

  • <optgroup> Specifies the entire grouping of available options

  • <option> Defines one of the available options of the drop-down list

Option attributes

  • value="" Explains the option value available for selection

  • selected Defines the default selected option for users

Tables (+ formating)

  • <table> Identifies and contains all table related content

  • <caption> Describes what the table is, and what it contains

  • <thead> Describe the type of information contained in each column underneath

  • <tbody> Contains the table data information

  • <tfoot> Describe all footer content

  • <tr> Contains the information to be included in a single row of a table

  • <th> Contains the actual information or data in a single header item

  • <td> Contains the actual information or data in a single table cell

  • <colgroup> Groups a single (or multiple) columns for formating purposes

  • <col/> Defines a single column of information inside a table

HTML5 New Tags

  • <header> Defines a header block for a document (or individual section)

  • <footer> Identifies the footer block for the document (or individual section)

  • <main> Describes the main contents of a document

  • <article> Identifies an article inside a document

  • <aside> Content in a document sidebar

  • <section> Specifies a section block in the document

  • <details> Describes additional facts or information that the user can view or hide

  • <dialog> A dialog box or window

  • <figcaption> The <figure> element caption that helps describes the figure

  • <figure> An independent content block featuting diagrams, photos illustrations or more

  • <mark> Displays a portion of highlighted text within the page content

  • <nav> Navigation links for the user in a document

  • <menuitem> The specific menu item that a user can raise froma popup menu

  • <meter> Describes a scalar measurement within a known array

  • <progress> Displays the progress of the task, usually used for progress bar

  • <rp> Displays text within browsers that not support ruby annotations

  • <rt> Displays East asian typography character details

  • <summary> Contains a visible heading for a <detail> element

  • <bdi> Helps format part of the text in a different direction from another text

  • <time> Identifies time and date

  • <wbr> The HTML element word break opportunity represents a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location.

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