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Created May 18, 2019 12:55
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Improve org-babel-tangle
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- mode: python -**
import fileinput, os
dests = dict()
"""A dictionary associating absolute file names and file objects."""
counter = dict()
"""A dictionary associating file objects with count of emitted
header_dest = None
"""The destination from header property, a string"""
dest = None
"""The current "destination", a file object"""
buf = list()
"""Buffered lines from the current code block. Buffering is required
because we need to drop leading spaces before writing to the file, and
full contents is required to determine the number of spaces to remove.
def match_header(line):
line = list(filter(
line.lower().strip().split(" ")))
if line and line[0] == "#+property:":
tang = line.index(":tangle")
except ValueError:
return False
dest = line[tang+1]
return dest
def match_begin(line):
"""Read a single line and return a file object if it's a #+begin_src, None otherwise.
Also create corresponding entries in dests and counter if they don't already exist."""
line = list(filter(
line.lower().strip().split(" ")))
if line and line[0] == "#+begin_src":
if ":tangle" in line:
beg = line.index(":tangle")
file_name = line[beg+1]
elif header_dest:
file_name = header_dest
return False
dest = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(file_name))
if not dest in dests.keys():
fo = open(dest, 'w')
dests[dest] = fo
counter[fo] = 0
fo = dests[dest]
# Org mode does this
counter[fo] += 1
return fo
def match_end(line):
"""Return True if line is a #+end_src"""
return line.lower().strip().startswith("#+end_src")
def write_buffer(dest, buf):
"""Drop extra leading spaces from buf, then write to dest."""
# First, count how many spaces on the left we must remove.
min = 1000
for line in buf:
ls = len(line.lstrip()) # Left strip
if ls: # Ignore empty lines
spaces = len(line) - ls
if spaces < min:
min = spaces
# Then write the buffer to the file, dropping the extra indent
for line in buf:
counter[dest] += 1
# If the line is empty, dropping the leading space will drop
# the terminal \n, and will suppress blank lines. We don't
# want this._
for line in fileinput.input():
if not header_dest:
header_dest = match_header(line)
if dest:
if match_end(line):
write_buffer(dest, buf)
buf = list()
dest = None
dest = match_begin(line)
for fn, fo in dests.items():
fn = os.path.relpath(fn, ".")
c = str(counter[fo])
print("{0} {1} {2} lines".format(
"." * (70 - len(fn) - len(c)),
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