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Created August 20, 2015 11:33
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Interview Cake and Hackerrank bottom-up recursion problem: making change
// @N is the amount you are making change for
// @coins is the set of coin values you can use
function makeChange(N, coins) {
// initialize the 'ways' array
var answers = [];
for (var n = 1; n <= N; n++) {
answers[n] = 0;
// there is only one way of doing 0 cents?
// this is initialized for the first pass through of the problem
answers[0] = 1;
// go through the coins one at a time
// test each value after you are able to use at least one of the coin
for (var i = coin; i <= N; i++) {
// can you make change from the remainder
// after subtracting out another coin?
var rem = i - coin;
answers[i] += answers[rem];
// answers at the amount will be the sum of all possibilities
return answers[N];
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aldraco commented Aug 20, 2015

Challenge here:

Dynamic programming

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aldraco commented Sep 28, 2015

Credit to Charilaos Skiadas from the Scala Functional Programming course on Coursera - found this in the forums to help understand how this function can work recursively.

Here's how I approached the problem:

The question is in how many ways can we add our change to C, while using denominations a1, a2, a3, ..., an provided by a list.
Well, we will either use an a1 or we will not.
If we do, then now we have C-a1 left, and still using the denominations a1, a2, a3, ..., an. This would be a recursive call to our function, with C-a1 as the amount and the same list of denominations.
If we don't, then now we still have C as the amount, but can only use the denominations from a2 and on (the tail of the list). This is again a recursive call. The ways of doing this are all distinct from the ways that 3 gives us, since those were using the a1 and these are not.
The sum of the counts from 3 and 4 would be the number of ways we are after. The only thing left is to take care of edge cases, so that the recursive calls terminate. I think those were outlined well in the above posts but I'll repeat them:
If the amount is negative, then we've tried to use too many coins. This is not a viable way, so the answer would be 0.
If there are no more denominations left (list empty). Then if the amount left is 0 we've found a viable way, and we want to count it by returning 1, otherwise it's another dead-end since we have no more coins left, and we would return 0.

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