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Created February 6, 2023 11:10
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AutoLabelPoints: label points in Rhino using text Dots
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
Script written by Alessio Erioli - mod of
Script version October 6, 2020
def AutolabelPoints():
text_height = 10
font_name = 'Arial'
if (sc.sticky.has_key("NumPrefix")):
prefix = sc.sticky["NumPrefix"]
prefix = ""
if (sc.sticky.has_key("NumSuffix")):
suffix = sc.sticky["NumSuffix"]
suffix = ""
ids = rs.GetObjects('Select points to label', 1)
if not ids: return
start = rs.GetInteger("Start index",0)
if not start: start=0
prefix = rs.StringBox('Numbering prefix (Cancel for none)', default_value = prefix, title = "Number prefix")
if not prefix: prefix = ''
sc.sticky["NumPrefix"] = prefix
suffix = rs.StringBox('Numbering suffix (Cancel for none)', default_value = suffix, title = "Number suffix")
if not suffix: suffix = ''
sc.sticky["NumSuffix"] = suffix
count = start + len(ids)
padding = len(str(count))
pad_str = '{}'.format(':0{}d'.format(padding))
pad_str = '{'+pad_str+'}'
dot_ids = []
for i,id in enumerate(ids):
num_str = pad_str.format(start+i)
text_str = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, num_str, suffix)
pt = id
dot_id = rs.AddTextDot(text_str, pt)
#rs.TextDotFont(dot_id, font_name)
#rs.TextDotHeight(dot_id, text_height)
rs.AddObjectsToGroup(dot_ids, rs.AddGroup())
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