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Last active April 11, 2021 20:00
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Instantiate objects in Unity importing orientation from a Rhino file in t;O;X;Y;Z format (coordinates are comma separated) - see example file ZZ_Assemblage.txt
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
public class ReadAssemblage : MonoBehaviour
public bool debugMode;
[Range(0.5f, 5)]
public float axisLength;
public GameObject[] AssemblyObjects;
public string fileName;
GameObject[] assemblage;
Vector3[] forwardVecs;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
fileName = Application.dataPath + "\\" + fileName;
string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
GameObject Collector = new GameObject("Assemblage");
Collector.transform.position =;
Collector.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
assemblage = new GameObject[data.Length];
forwardVecs = new Vector3[data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
// plantype structure: 0=type, 1=origin, 2=x, 3=y, 4=z
// separate type from plane OXYZ data
string[] planeType = data[i].Split(';');
int type = Convert.ToInt32(planeType[0]);
string[][] vectors = new string[4][];
for (int j = 1; j < planeType.Length; j++)
vectors[j - 1] = planeType[j].Split(',');
Vector3 planeO, planeX, planeY, planeZ;
planeO = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(vectors[0][0]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[0][1]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[0][2]));
planeX = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(vectors[1][0]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[1][1]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[1][2]));
planeY = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(vectors[2][0]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[2][1]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[2][2]));
planeZ = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(vectors[3][0]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[3][1]), Convert.ToSingle(vectors[3][2]));
Vector3 origin = ToLeftHanded(planeO);
Vector3 fwVector = -ToLeftHanded(planeY);
Vector3 upVector = ToLeftHanded(planeZ);
forwardVecs[i] = fwVector;
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity;
// instantiate GameObject
assemblage[i] = Instantiate(AssemblyObjects[type], origin, rot);
assemblage[i].name = AssemblyObjects[type].name + "_" + i;
// align with up vector first
assemblage[i].transform.up = upVector;
// compute angle between current forward and target forward
float angle = Vector3.Angle(assemblage[i].transform.forward, forwardVecs[i]);
// rotate aling up vector
assemblage[i].transform.Rotate(0, angle, 0);
float newAngle = Vector3.Angle(assemblage[i].transform.forward, forwardVecs[i]);
// check if the rotation direction was wrong - in case rotate back twice
if (newAngle > 0.5)
assemblage[i].transform.Rotate(0, -2 * angle, 0);
// assign to parent
assemblage[i].transform.parent = Collector.transform;
float newDotProduct = Vector3.Dot(assemblage[i].transform.forward, forwardVecs[i]);
// check for outliers
if (1 - newDotProduct > 0.001)
Debug.Log(assemblage[i].name + " - angle: " + angle + " - newAngle: " + newAngle);
// Note: Rhino right-handed XYZ orientation is translated in Unity's Left-Handed XZY
// to match how .OBJ are imported with the "Remap Z to OBJ Y" option when exporting from Rhino
// to account for the right-to-left hand transition, x and y coordinates become negative,
// and y and z are swapped
Vector3 ToLeftHanded(Vector3 vector)
return new Vector3(-vector.x, vector.z, -vector.y);
void DrawTransform(Transform t, float len)
Debug.DrawLine(t.position, t.position + t.forward * len, Color.cyan);
Debug.DrawLine(t.position, t.position + t.up * len,;
Debug.DrawLine(t.position, t.position + t.right * len,;
void DrawVector(Vector3 anchor, Vector3 vector, float len, Color col)
Debug.DrawLine(anchor, anchor + vector * len, col);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (debugMode)
for (int i = 0; i < assemblage.Length; i++)
DrawTransform(assemblage[i].transform, axisLength);
DrawVector(assemblage[i].transform.position, forwardVecs[i], 10,;
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