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Created May 30, 2016 19:03
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Timus 1846
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
* Built using CHelper plug-in
* Actual solution is at the top
* @author ale64bit
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
InputStream inputStream =;
OutputStream outputStream = System.out;
InputReader in = new InputReader(inputStream);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
Task1846 solver = new Task1846();
solver.solve(1, in, out);
static class Task1846 {
final int SIZE = 100000;
int[] t = new int[SIZE << 2];
public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
return (b == 0) ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
void set(int node, int l, int r, int index, int value) {
if (index < l || r < index) {
// return
} else if (l == r) {
t[node] = value;
} else if (l < r) {
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
set(2 * node, l, mid, index, value);
set(2 * node + 1, mid + 1, r, index, value);
t[node] = gcd(t[2 * node], t[2 * node + 1]);
public void solve(int testNumber, InputReader in, PrintWriter out) {
Map<Integer, Queue<Integer>> h = new HashMap<>();
int size = 0;
int curSize = 0;
int queries = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < queries; ++i) {
String op = in.readString();
int x = in.readInt();
if (op.equals("+")) {
if (h.containsKey(x)) {
} else {
Queue<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
h.put(x, q);
set(1, 0, SIZE - 1, size, x);
} else {
int index = h.get(x).remove();
set(1, 0, SIZE - 1, index, 0);
out.println(curSize == 0 ? 1 : t[1]);
static class InputReader {
private InputStream stream;
private byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
private int curChar;
private int numChars;
private InputReader.SpaceCharFilter filter;
public InputReader(InputStream stream) { = stream;
public int read() {
if (numChars == -1) {
throw new InputMismatchException();
if (curChar >= numChars) {
curChar = 0;
try {
numChars =;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InputMismatchException();
if (numChars <= 0) {
return -1;
return buf[curChar++];
public int readInt() {
int c = read();
while (isSpaceChar(c)) {
c = read();
int sgn = 1;
if (c == '-') {
sgn = -1;
c = read();
int res = 0;
do {
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
throw new InputMismatchException();
res *= 10;
res += c - '0';
c = read();
} while (!isSpaceChar(c));
return res * sgn;
public String readString() {
int c = read();
while (isSpaceChar(c)) {
c = read();
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
do {
if (Character.isValidCodePoint(c)) {
c = read();
} while (!isSpaceChar(c));
return res.toString();
public boolean isSpaceChar(int c) {
if (filter != null) {
return filter.isSpaceChar(c);
return isWhitespace(c);
public static boolean isWhitespace(int c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == -1;
public interface SpaceCharFilter {
public boolean isSpaceChar(int ch);
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