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Created May 27, 2019 18:00
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tagless final?
module type Types = sig
type 'dv repr
type basic
type compound
val name : string -> basic repr
val arr : int -> basic repr -> basic repr
val record : (string * basic repr) list -> compound repr
val func : (string * basic repr) list -> basic repr -> compound repr
module Examples (T : Types) = struct
open T
let t1 = name "int"
let t2 = arr 4 (name "float")
let t3 = arr 4 (arr 8 (name "bool"))
let t4 = record [("x", name "int")]
(* let t5 = arr 2 (record [("y", name "float")]) *)
let t6 = func [("a", name "float")] (arr 2 (name "int"))
(* let t7 = func [("b", t6)] (name "void") *)
module Print = struct
type 'dv repr = 'dv
type basic = string
type compound = string
let name s = s
let arr n t = Printf.sprintf "[%d]%s" n t
let record fields =
let fs = (fun (id, t) -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" id t) fields in
Printf.sprintf "record {%s}" (String.concat "; " fs)
let func args ret =
let args = (fun (id, t) -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" id t) args in
Printf.sprintf "func (%s): %s" (String.concat ", " args) ret
module Sizeof = struct
type 'dv repr = int
type basic = int
type compound = int
let name _ = 1
let arr n t = n * t
let record fields = List.fold_left (fun acc (_, t) -> acc + t) 0 fields
let func _ _ = 0
module EP = Examples (Print)
module ES = Examples (Sizeof)
let () =
(* Print *)
print_endline EP.t1 ;
print_endline EP.t2 ;
print_endline EP.t3 ;
print_endline EP.t4 ;
print_endline EP.t6 ;
(* Sizeof *)
print_endline (string_of_int ES.t1) ;
print_endline (string_of_int ES.t2) ;
print_endline (string_of_int ES.t3) ;
print_endline (string_of_int ES.t4) ;
print_endline (string_of_int ES.t6)
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