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Created October 6, 2017 18:29
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Unity useful scripts
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
public class MonoBehaviourSingleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviourSingleton<T>
static MonoBehaviourSingleton<T> instance;
// Used to select the behavior of the singleton when it's destroyed, if it's "true" then
// the instance value will be set to "null" when the MonoBehavior is Destroyed, otherwise
// it will keep the last instance value.
// If it's false, then Instance will try to find a new non destroyed instance of the singleton in the scene, if
// it can't find one, it will return the last value. Can be useful for components that need to access the singleton
// after it has been destroyed to remove references / set some values / etc..
protected static bool setToNullAfterDestroy = true;
// Used to detect if the singleton is destroyed or not. We can't rely on the value of "instance" because
// it's value will be kept if "setToNullAfterDestroy" is false.
static bool destroyed = true;
// Used to detect if the singleton was found at least once, and if it wasn't then show
// an error message informing this when trying to access the Instance
static bool initializedAtLeastOnce = false;
// Used to detect if the singleton's Initialize() function needs to be called
static bool needInitialization = true;
protected bool Destroyed
get { return destroyed; }
public void Awake()
if (instance == null || destroyed)
instance = this;
destroyed = false;
else if(instance != this)
Debug.LogError("Two instances of the same singleton '" + this + "'");
if (needInitialization)
needInitialization = false;
initializedAtLeastOnce = true;
Profiler.BeginSample( + ".Initialize");
Initialize ();
public void OnDestroy()
Profiler.BeginSample(name + ".Destroy");
destroyed = true;
needInitialization = true;
if (setToNullAfterDestroy)
instance = null;
public static T Instance
if (instance == null || destroyed || needInitialization)
if (instance == null || destroyed)
MonoBehaviourSingleton<T> newInstance = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType<MonoBehaviourSingleton<T>>();
if (newInstance != null)
instance = newInstance;
destroyed = false;
if (instance != null && !destroyed)
if (needInitialization)
needInitialization = false;
initializedAtLeastOnce = true;
if (!initializedAtLeastOnce)
Debug.LogError("Missing Singleton '" + typeof(T).Name + "'");
return (T) instance;
public static void Dispose()
if (instance != null && !destroyed)
instance = null;
protected virtual void Initialize()
protected virtual void Destroy()
static public bool IsInitialized()
return instance != null && !destroyed;
static public bool IsAvailable()
return (IsInitialized() || MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType<MonoBehaviourSingleton<T>>() != null);
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