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Created April 23, 2015 10:20
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How much is thirteen to twenty-seven?
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>How much is thirteen to twenty-seven?</title>
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<h2>How much is thirteen to twenty-seven?</h2>
<p>This dataset gives an insight about the mathematics skills of boys and girls across 37 OECD countries. Each circle represent a country, placed according to boys' score on y axis and girls' score on x axis. </p>
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var w = 500
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d3.csv("OECD_ISA_2012.csv", function(data) {
return d3.ascending (a.mathGirls, b.mathGirls);
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.mathGirls;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.mathBoys;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.mathBoys;
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.mathGirls;
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.text("Boys performed better")
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.attr("cy", function(d, i){
return yScale(d.mathBoys)+padding[2];
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return": girls scored "+d.mathGirls+" points ; boys scored "+d.mathBoys+" points"
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// return;
// })
country mathGirls mathBoys readingGirls readingBoys scienceGirls scienceBoys
Australia 498 510 530 495 519 524
Austria 494 517 508 471 501 510
Belgium 509 520 525 493 503 507
Brazil 383 401 425 394 404 406
Canada 513 523 541 506 524 527
Chile 411 436 452 430 442 448
Czech Republic 493 505 513 474 508 509
Denmark 493 507 512 481 493 504
Estonia 518 523 538 494 543 540
Finland 520 517 556 494 554 537
France 491 499 527 483 500 498
Germany 507 520 530 486 524 524
Greece 449 457 502 452 473 460
Hungary 473 482 508 468 493 496
Iceland 496 490 508 457 480 477
Indonesia 373 377 410 382 383 380
Ireland 494 509 538 509 520 524
Israel 461 472 507 463 470 470
Italy 476 494 510 471 492 495
Japan 527 545 551 527 541 552
Korea 544 562 548 525 536 539
Luxembourg 477 502 503 473 483 499
Mexico 406 420 435 411 412 418
Netherlands 518 528 525 498 520 524
New Zealand 492 507 530 495 513 518
Norway 488 490 528 481 496 493
Poland 516 520 539 497 527 524
Portugal 481 493 508 468 490 488
Russia 483 481 495 455 489 484
Slovak Republic 477 486 483 444 467 475
Slovenia 499 503 510 454 519 510
Spain 476 492 503 474 493 500
Sweden 480 477 509 458 489 481
Switzerland 524 537 527 491 512 518
Turkey 444 452 499 453 469 458
United Kingdom 488 500 512 487 508 521
United States 479 484 513 482 498 497
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