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Last active October 23, 2022 22:06
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Code test for backend people

Code test for backend people

ordersURL - lookupNameURL -

Use the programming language you want. Use Docker to set up a minimalist environment where the code can run.

Make a GET request for the ordersURL. Then you get a JSON in return. Pick out all the IDs you find in type_ids and use them to do a POST against lookupNameURL.

Then you will get a list that, among other things, contains the name of the universe back. Pick these out and print it, sorted alphabetically.

See Swagger documentation here:

By running make build in this project, Docker will build an image with the dependencies it requires. make run should run the code within the image and it should print the result. If you only run make, then both build and run must be executed.

FROM ruby:latest
WORKDIR /usr/src/app/
ADD . /usr/src/app/
CMD ["ruby", "/usr/src/app/test.rb"]
all: build run
docker build -t test-app .
docker run -it test-app
puts "Application started\n"
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
orders_url = ""
lookupNameURL = ""
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(orders_url))
data = JSON.load(resp.body)
type_ids = []
data.each do |result|
type_ids << result["type_id"]
names = []
type_ids.compact.uniq.each_slice(4) do |batch|
resp =, batch.to_s)
data = JSON.load(resp.body)
data.each do |result|
names << result["name"].to_s
puts names.sort!
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