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Last active July 18, 2020 19:21
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  • Save alec-deason/2518dfce805c8222ab96c7c336336555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hacked version of canvas_minimal to demonstrate an artifact when rendering overlapping paths
// Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use euclid::default::Size2D;
use pathfinder_canvas::{Canvas, CanvasFontContext, Path2D, FillRule};
use pathfinder_color::{ColorF, ColorU};
use pathfinder_geometry::rect::RectF;
use pathfinder_geometry::vector::{vec2f, vec2i};
use pathfinder_gl::{GLDevice, GLVersion};
use pathfinder_renderer::concurrent::rayon::RayonExecutor;
use pathfinder_renderer::concurrent::scene_proxy::SceneProxy;
use pathfinder_renderer::gpu::options::{DestFramebuffer, RendererMode, RendererOptions};
use pathfinder_renderer::gpu::renderer::Renderer;
use pathfinder_renderer::options::BuildOptions;
use pathfinder_resources::embedded::EmbeddedResourceLoader;
use surfman::{Connection, ContextAttributeFlags, ContextAttributes, GLVersion as SurfmanGLVersion};
use surfman::{SurfaceAccess, SurfaceType};
use winit::dpi::LogicalSize;
use winit::{ControlFlow, Event, EventsLoop, WindowBuilder, WindowEvent};
fn main() {
// Open a window.
let mut event_loop = EventsLoop::new();
let window_size = Size2D::new(640, 480);
let logical_size = LogicalSize::new(window_size.width as f64, window_size.height as f64);
let window = WindowBuilder::new().with_title("Minimal example")
// Create a `surfman` device. On a multi-GPU system, we'll request the low-power integrated
// GPU.
let connection = Connection::from_winit_window(&window).unwrap();
let native_widget = connection.create_native_widget_from_winit_window(&window).unwrap();
let adapter = connection.create_low_power_adapter().unwrap();
let mut device = connection.create_device(&adapter).unwrap();
// Request an OpenGL 3.x context. Pathfinder requires this.
let context_attributes = ContextAttributes {
version: SurfmanGLVersion::new(3, 0),
flags: ContextAttributeFlags::ALPHA,
let context_descriptor = device.create_context_descriptor(&context_attributes).unwrap();
// Make the OpenGL context via `surfman`, and load OpenGL functions.
let surface_type = SurfaceType::Widget { native_widget };
let mut context = device.create_context(&context_descriptor).unwrap();
let surface = device.create_surface(&context, SurfaceAccess::GPUOnly, surface_type)
device.bind_surface_to_context(&mut context, surface).unwrap();
gl::load_with(|symbol_name| device.get_proc_address(&context, symbol_name));
// Get the real size of the window, taking HiDPI into account.
let hidpi_factor = window.get_current_monitor().get_hidpi_factor();
let physical_size = logical_size.to_physical(hidpi_factor);
let framebuffer_size = vec2i(physical_size.width as i32, physical_size.height as i32);
// Create a Pathfinder GL device.
let default_framebuffer = device.context_surface_info(&context)
let pathfinder_device = GLDevice::new(GLVersion::GL3, default_framebuffer);
// Create a Pathfinder renderer.
let mode = RendererMode::default_for_device(&pathfinder_device);
let options = RendererOptions {
dest: DestFramebuffer::full_window(framebuffer_size),
background_color: Some(ColorF::white()),
let resource_loader = EmbeddedResourceLoader::new();
let mut renderer = Renderer::new(pathfinder_device, &resource_loader, mode, options);
// Make a canvas. We're going to draw a house.
let font_context = CanvasFontContext::from_system_source();
let mut canvas = Canvas::new(framebuffer_size.to_f32()).get_context_2d(font_context);
canvas.set_fill_style(ColorU::new(255, 0, 0, 255));
for x in 0..10000 {
for y in 0..1 {
let x = x as f32 * 0.0;
let y = y as f32 * 0.0;
let mut path = Path2D::new();
path.move_to(vec2f(x +50.0, y + 140.0));
path.line_to(vec2f(x +150.0, y + 60.0));
path.line_to(vec2f(x +250.0, y + 140.0));
path.line_to(vec2f(x +50.0, y + 140.0));
canvas.fill_path(path, FillRule::Winding);
// Render the canvas to screen.
let mut scene = SceneProxy::from_scene(canvas.into_canvas().into_scene(),
scene.build_and_render(&mut renderer, BuildOptions::default());
// Present the surface.
let mut surface = device.unbind_surface_from_context(&mut context).unwrap().unwrap();
device.present_surface(&mut context, &mut surface).unwrap();
device.bind_surface_to_context(&mut context, surface).unwrap();
// Wait for a keypress.
event_loop.run_forever(|event| {
match event {
Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested, .. } |
Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { .. }, .. } => {
_ => ControlFlow::Continue,
// Clean up.
drop(device.destroy_context(&mut context));
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