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Last active July 28, 2016 20:37
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$ elm repl
---- elm-repl 0.17.1 -----------------------------------------------------------
:help for help, :exit to exit, more at <>
> import Main
> import Combine
> Combine.parse Main.comment "foo"
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ctor' of undefined
import Combine exposing (..)
import Combine.Char exposing (..)
import String
import Char
flattenStringList : List String -> String
flattenStringList =
List.foldr (++) ""
comment : Parser String
comment =
map flattenStringList <| many cContent
foo : Parser String
foo =
string "foo"
cContent : Parser String
cContent =
(map String.fromChar cText) `or` comment
cText : Parser Char
cText =
char 'a'
import Combine exposing (..)
import Combine.Char exposing (..)
import String
import Char
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
type alias Model =
{ email : String -- user input
, validity : Maybe Bool -- Nothing before we checked it
, validationErrors : List String
model = {
email = ""
, validity = Nothing
, validationErrors = []
flattenStringList : List String -> String
flattenStringList =
List.foldr (++) ""
type Msg = SetEmail String | Validate
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
SetEmail e -> { model | email = e }
Validate -> { model | validity = Just (validateEmail }
validateEmail : String -> Bool
validateEmail e =
case parse cContent e of
(Ok _, _) -> True
(Err _, _) -> False
showMaybeValidity : Maybe Bool -> Html Msg
showMaybeValidity mev =
case mev of
Nothing -> div [] []
Just ev ->
case ev of
True -> div [] [ text "valid" ]
False -> div [] [ text "invalid" ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
input [ type' "text"
, placeholder ""
, onInput SetEmail
] []
, p [] []
, button [ onClick Validate ] [ text "validate" ]
, showMaybeValidity model.validity ]
foo : Parser String
foo =
string "foo"
cContent : Parser String
cContent =
cText `or` cContent
cText : Parser String
cText =
string "a"
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update}
import Combine exposing (..)
import Combine.Char exposing (..)
import String
import Char
flattenStringList : List String -> String
flattenStringList =
List.foldr (++) ""
comment : Parser String
comment =
map flattenStringList <| many cContent
foo : Parser String
foo =
string "foo"
cContent : Parser String
cContent =
(map String.fromChar cText) `or` foo
cText : Parser Char
cText =
char 'a'
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