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Last active April 11, 2017 18:41 — forked from lamont-granquist/
Forked and adjusted notes for creating a sample cookbook and running it through test kitchen with docker.

ChefDK, Test Kitchen Driven NTP Cookbook via Docker

This gist is a fork from lamont-granquist modified to be even easier and faster by taking advantage of Docker. Given the rapid development and change rate of Chef finding this gist with instructions that still are valid and reasonable was much appreciated.

This gist uses TK+Berkshelf to drive creating a vagrant virts and converging a simple recipe to install and configure NTPd. This is a simple cookbook that has one recipe, one template (for ntp.conf) and one attribute file. It works on Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 and CentOS 6.4/7.1 (and derviatives) and the attribute file is used to support both distros.

This should work on Mac (where I developed it) and any chef-supported Linux that you can get Docker onto (Ubuntu/CentOS).

Because I use ChefDK and Test Kitchen, I can largely ignore setting up Docker and Berkshelf and can get right to work on writing recipe code.