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Last active January 6, 2016 05:15
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set ssl:verify-certificate no
#set net:timeout 2
#set net:max-retries 2
#set net:reconnect-interval-base 5
alias dir ls
alias ll 'ls -l'
alias less more
alias zless zmore
alias bzless bzmore
alias reconnect "close; cache flush; cd ."
alias edit "eval -f \"get $0 -o ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$ && shell \\\"cp -p ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$ ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$.orig && $EDITOR ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$ && test ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$ -nt ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$.orig\\\" && put ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$ -o $0; shell rm -f ~/.lftp/edit.tmp.$$*\""
set prompt "\[\e[0;33m\][\[\e[0;34m\]f\[\e[1m\]t\[\e[37m\]p\[\e[0;33m\]] \[\e[1;32m\]\u\[\e[0;33m\]\@\[\e[1;31m\]\h\[\e[0;33m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[0;33m\]>\[\e[0m\] "
alias ls command cls
alias hostls command 'ls --color'
set sync-mode/ on
set sync-mode/ on
set sync-mode/ on
set auto-sync-mode "icrosoft FTP Service|MadGoat"
set xfer:max-redirections 10
set cmd:term-status/*screen* "\e_\T\e\\"
set cmd:term-status/*xterm* "\e[11;0]\e]2;\T\007\e[11]"
set cmd:term-status/*rxvt* "\e[11;0]\e]2;\T\007\e[11]"
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