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Last active May 17, 2016 10:26
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Parallel EntityX prototype
#include <utility>
#include <thread>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <future>
#include <atomic>
#include <tuple>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "optional.hh"
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
constexpr std::uint32_t UNDEFINED_ENTITY = std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max();
constexpr std::uint32_t DELETED_ENTITY = std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max() - 1;
std::recursive_mutex log_lock;
template <typename A>
void log(const A &arg) {
cerr << arg << endl;
template <typename A0, typename A1, typename ... Args>
void log(const A0 &a0, const A1 &a1, const Args & ... args) {
cerr << a0;
log(a1, args...);
constexpr bool valid_entity(std::uint32_t id) { return id < DELETED_ENTITY; }
struct Entity {
explicit Entity(std::uint32_t id = UNDEFINED_ENTITY) : id(id) {}
std::uint32_t id;
template <typename ... Components>
class EntityManager;
template <typename ... Components>
class Transaction;
template <typename ... Components>
class TransactionSet;
* All of the data surrounding a single transactional commit.
template <typename ... Components>
struct Commit {
using Tuple = std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...>;
using IndexedTuple = std::pair<std::uint32_t, Tuple>;
using Iterator = typename std::vector<IndexedTuple>::iterator;
// Abort the commit, discarding all mutations.
void abort() {
std::size_t size() const {
return lookup_.size();
bool has(std::uint32_t id) const {
return id < lookup_.size() && valid_entity(lookup_[id]);
std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &operator[] (std::uint32_t id) {
return components_[lookup_[id]].second;
const std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &operator[] (std::uint32_t id) const {
return components_[lookup_[id]].second;
template <typename C>
const C *operator[] (std::uint32_t id) const {
std::experimental::optional<C> &component = components_[lookup_[id]].second;
return component ? &component.value() : nullptr;
template <typename C>
C *operator[] (std::uint32_t id) {
std::experimental::optional<C> &component = components_[lookup_[id]].second;
return component ? &component.value() : nullptr;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> lookup_;
std::vector<IndexedTuple> components_;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> destroys_;
template <typename ... Components>
class TransactionSet {
TransactionSet(Transaction<Components...> &root, std::atomic<std::uint32_t> &id) : root_(root), id_(id) {}
// No copying or moving.
TransactionSet(TransactionSet<Components...> && other) = delete;
TransactionSet(const TransactionSet<Components...> & other) = delete;
TransactionSet &operator = (const TransactionSet &other) = delete;
TransactionSet &operator = (TransactionSet &&other) = delete;
~TransactionSet() {
* Execute a transaction inside a std::async block.
template <typename Function>
TransactionSet<Components...> &async(Function f);
* Execute a transaction synchronously.
template <typename Function>
TransactionSet<Components...> &sync(Function f);
* Wait for all outstanding async transactions to complete.
void wait() {
for (auto &future : futures_) future.wait();
friend class Transaction<Components...>;
* Transactions call commit() when complete.
void commit(Commit<Components...> &&commit) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
void merge() {
// Transactions have completed.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
auto &root = root_.commit_;
// Merge components back into root.
int count = 0;
for (auto &commit : commits_) {
for (auto &pair : commit.components_) {
if (!valid_entity(pair.first)) continue;
// Ensure lookup table has enough capacity.
if (pair.first >= root.size()) {
root.lookup_.resize(pair.first + 1, UNDEFINED_ENTITY);
// Ensure components have storage allocated.
if (!root.has(pair.first)) {
root.lookup_[pair.first] = root.components_.size();
move<Components...>(pair.second, root[pair.first]);
// Destroy components.
for (auto &commit : commits_) {
for (auto id : commit.destroys_) {
if (root.has(id)) {
std::uint32_t index = root.lookup_[id];
root.components_[index].first = DELETED_ENTITY;
root.components_[index].second = typename Commit<Components...>::Tuple();
root.lookup_[id] = DELETED_ENTITY;
template <typename C>
void move(std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &source, std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &dest) {
if (std::get<std::experimental::optional<C>>(source))
std::get<std::experimental::optional<C>>(source) = std::move(std::get<std::experimental::optional<C>>(dest));
// Move overridden components for a single entity from source transaction into dest.
template <typename C0, typename C1, typename ... Cn>
void move(std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &source, std::tuple<std::experimental::optional<Components>...> &dest) {
move<C0>(source, dest);
move<C1, Cn...>(source, dest);
std::mutex lock_;
Transaction<Components...> &root_;
std::atomic<std::uint32_t> &id_;
std::vector<std::future<bool>> futures_;
std::vector<Commit<Components...>> commits_;
template <typename ... Components>
class Transaction {
friend class TransactionSet<Components...>;
class Iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, std::uint32_t> {
explicit Iterator(Transaction &tx, bool end) : tx_(tx), id_(end ? tx.commit_.size() : 0) {
Iterator &operator ++() {
return *this;
bool operator == (const Iterator &other) const { return id_ == other.id_; }
bool operator != (const Iterator &other) const { return id_ != other.id_; }
Entity operator * () { return Entity(id_); }
const Entity operator * () const { return Entity(id_); }
void next() {
while (id_ < tx_.commit_.size() && !tx_.exists(id_)) id_++;
Transaction<Components...> &tx_;
std::uint32_t id_;
explicit Transaction(std::atomic<std::uint32_t> &id, TransactionSet<Components...> *set = nullptr, Transaction *parent = nullptr) : set_(set), parent_(parent), id_(id) {
if (parent) {
commit_.lookup_ = std::vector<std::uint32_t>(parent->commit_.lookup_.size(), UNDEFINED_ENTITY);
// This needs to exist, but never gets used. Very odd.
Transaction(Transaction &&other) : set_(other.set_), parent_(std::move(other.parent_)), id_(other.id_), commit_(std::move(other.commit_)) {
~Transaction() {
if (parent_) commit();
Iterator begin() {
return Iterator(*this, false);
Iterator end() {
return Iterator(*this, true);
bool exists(std::uint32_t id) const {
return commit_.has(id) || (parent_ ? parent_->exists(id) : false);
void destroy(Entity entity) {
if (commit_.has( {
std::uint32_t index = commit_.lookup_[];
commit_.components_[index].first = DELETED_ENTITY;
commit_.components_[index].second = typename Commit<Components...>::Tuple();
commit_.lookup_[] = DELETED_ENTITY;
Entity create() {
const std::uint32_t id = parent_->next_id();
commit_.lookup_.resize(id + 1, UNDEFINED_ENTITY);
commit_.lookup_[id] = commit_.components_.size();
commit_.components_[commit_.components_.size() - 1].first = id;
return Entity(id);
template <typename C, typename ... Args>
C *assign(Entity entity, Args && ... args) {
return &std::get<std::experimental::optional<C>>(commit_[]).value();
* Return immutable component on entity.
template <typename C>
const C * component(Entity entity) const {
if (commit_.has( {
const C *ours = std::get<C*>(commit_[]);
if (ours)
return ours;
return parent_ ? parent_->component<C>(entity) : nullptr;
* Return a mutable version of component C on entity.
* Returns nullptr if the component is not assigned to the entity.
template <typename C>
C *component(Entity entity) {
if (commit_.has( {
auto &ours = std::get<std::experimental::optional<C>>(commit_[]);
if (ours)
return &ours.value();
C *theirs = parent_ ? parent_->component<C>(entity) : nullptr;
// If parent has the component, take a copy.
if (theirs)
return assign<C>(entity, *theirs);
return nullptr;
void abort() {
void commit() {
set_ = nullptr;
parent_ = nullptr;
uint32_t next_id() { return id_++; }
TransactionSet<Components...> *set_;
Transaction *parent_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> &id_;
Commit<Components...> commit_;
template <typename ... Components>
template <typename Function>
TransactionSet<Components...> &TransactionSet<Components...>::async(Function f) {
std::future<bool> result = std::async([this, &f]() -> bool {
Transaction<Components...> tx(id_, this, &root_);
return true;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
return *this;
template <typename ... Components>
template <typename Function>
TransactionSet<Components...> &TransactionSet<Components...>::sync(Function f) {
Transaction<Components...> tx(id_, this, &root_);
return *this;
* A wrapper around a shared TransactionSet so we don't have to
* hack around move semantics.
template <typename ... Components>
class TransactionSetRef {
TransactionSetRef(Transaction<Components...> &root, std::atomic<std::uint32_t> &id) : set_(std::make_shared<TransactionSet<Components...>>(root, id)) {}
* Execute a transaction inside a std::async block.
template <typename Function>
TransactionSetRef<Components...> &async(Function f) {
return *this;
* Execute a transaction synchronously.
template <typename Function>
TransactionSetRef<Components...> &sync(Function f) {
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<TransactionSet<Components...>> set_;
template <typename ... Components>
class EntityManager {
EntityManager() : id_(0), tx_(id_) {}
~EntityManager() {}
TransactionSetRef<Components...> begin() {
return TransactionSetRef<Components...>(tx_, id_);
template <typename F>
TransactionSetRef<Components...> async(F f) {
return TransactionSetRef<Components...>(tx_, id_).async(f);
template <typename F>
TransactionSetRef<Components...> sync(F f) {
return TransactionSetRef<Components...>(tx_, id_).sync(f);
std::atomic<std::uint32_t> id_;
Transaction<Components...> tx_;
struct Position {
explicit Position(float x = 0, float y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x, y;
struct Direction {
explicit Direction(float x = 0, float y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x, y;
using Entities = EntityManager<Position, Direction>;
using Tx = Transaction<Position, Direction>;
int main() {
Entities entities;
// Run two transactions in parallel.
.async([](Tx &tx) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Entity entity = tx.create();
tx.assign<Position>(entity, i, i * 2);
for (Entity entity : tx) {
log(std::this_thread::get_id(), "(0): entity = ",;
log("DONE 0");
.async([](Tx &tx) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Entity entity = tx.create();
tx.assign<Position>(entity, i, i * 2);
if (rand() % 2 == 0) tx.destroy(entity);
for (const Entity entity : tx) {
log(std::this_thread::get_id(), "(1): entity = ",;
log("DONE 1");
log(std::this_thread::get_id(), ": waited");
// Run a transaction synchronously.
.sync([](Tx &tx) {
for (Entity entity : tx) {
log(std::this_thread::get_id(), ": entity = ",;
if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
log("destroying ",;
log(std::this_thread::get_id(), ": waited");
// Run another transaction synchronously.
.sync([](Tx &tx) {
for (Entity entity : tx) {
cerr << std::this_thread::get_id() << ": entity = " << << endl;
return 0;
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