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Created February 23, 2015 22:32
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Swift protobuf model generated by prototemplate
// Generated by DO NOT EDIT!
import Foundation
// This generated code relies on the serialization layer of
import ProtocolBuffers
// Extend protobuf-swift's Message to include deserialization directly, rather
// than via a MessageBuilder.
public protocol ProtobufMessage: Message {
class func fromCodedInputStream(input: CodedInputStream) -> Self?
class func fromData(data: NSData) -> Self?
public enum Role: Int32 {
case Executive = 1
case Manager = 2
case Employee = 3
public func == (lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool {
if != { return false }
if lhs.age != rhs.age { return false }
if lhs.roles != rhs.roles { return false }
return true
public final class User: AbstractMessage, ProtobufMessage {
public let name: String
public let age: Int64?
public let roles: [Role]
public init(name: String, age: Int64? = 18, roles: [Role] = []) { = name
self.age = age
self.roles = roles
public class func fromCodedInputStream(input: CodedInputStream) -> User? {
var name: String?
var age: Int64?
var roles: [Role] = []
loop: while (true) {
var tag = input.readTag()
switch tag {
case 0:
break loop
case 10:
name = input.readString()
case 16:
age = input.readInt64()
case 24:
let n = input.readEnum()
if let v = Role(rawValue: n) {
} else {
return nil
return nil
if name == nil { return nil }
return User(name: name!, age: age, roles: roles)
public class func fromData(data: NSData) -> User? {
var input = CodedInputStream(data: data)
return fromCodedInputStream(input)
public required init() {
fatalError("init() has not been implemented")
override public func isInitialized() -> Bool { return true }
override public func writeToCodedOutputStream(output: CodedOutputStream) {
output.writeString(1, value: name)
if age != nil { output.writeInt64(2, value: age!) }
for v in roles { output.writeEnum(3, value: v.rawValue) }
override public func serializedSize() -> Int32 {
var size: Int32 = 0
size += name.computeStringSize(1);
if age != nil { size += age!.computeInt64Size(2); }
size +={v in v.rawValue.computeEnumSize(3)}).reduce(0, +);
return size
public func == (lhs: Group, rhs: Group) -> Bool {
if lhs.owner != rhs.owner { return false }
if lhs.users != rhs.users { return false }
return true
public final class Group: AbstractMessage, ProtobufMessage {
public let owner: User
public let users: [User]
public init(owner: User, users: [User] = []) {
self.owner = owner
self.users = users
public class func fromCodedInputStream(input: CodedInputStream) -> Group? {
var owner: User?
var users: [User] = []
loop: while (true) {
var tag = input.readTag()
switch tag {
case 0:
break loop
case 10:
let oldLimit = input.pushLimit(input.readRawVarint32())
if let v = User.fromCodedInputStream(input) {
owner = v
} else {
return nil
case 18:
let oldLimit = input.pushLimit(input.readRawVarint32())
if let v = User.fromCodedInputStream(input) {
} else {
return nil
return nil
if owner == nil { return nil }
return Group(owner: owner!, users: users)
public class func fromData(data: NSData) -> Group? {
var input = CodedInputStream(data: data)
return fromCodedInputStream(input)
public required init() {
fatalError("init() has not been implemented")
override public func isInitialized() -> Bool { return true }
override public func writeToCodedOutputStream(output: CodedOutputStream) {
output.writeMessage(1, value: owner)
for v in users { output.writeMessage(2, value: v) }
override public func serializedSize() -> Int32 {
var size: Int32 = 0
size += owner.computeMessageSize(1);
size +={v in v.computeMessageSize(2)}).reduce(0, +);
return size
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