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Forked from garoto/mpvhistory.lua
Last active November 16, 2023 07:53
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mpv script that logs metadata from Icecast streams
-- mpv script that logs metadata from Icecast streams.
-- Also adds a key binding to add an explicit current playing item to a favorite file.
-- Other changes are the string format and date format written to the log files
local CONFIG_DIR = (os.getenv("APPDATA") or os.getenv("HOME").."/.config");
local HISTFILE = CONFIG_DIR.."/mpv/icyhistory.log";
local FAVFILE = CONFIG_DIR.."/mpv/icyfavorites.log";
local function append_to_file(file, val)
local logfile;
if val ~= nil and val["icy-title"] then
logfile =, "a+");
logfile:write(("%s | %s | %s\n"):format("%Y-%m-%d | %H:%M:%S"), val["icy-title"], val["icy-name"]));
mp.observe_property("metadata", "native", function(name, val)
append_to_file(HISTFILE, val);
mp.add_key_binding("h", "save_icy_title", function()
local val;
val = mp.get_property_native("metadata");
append_to_file(FAVFILE, val);
print(("saved '%s' to %s"):format(val["icy-title"], FAVFILE));
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