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Created December 22, 2020 00:31
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Advent of code 2020, Day 20, Python3.9
from sys import stdin
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from collections import defaultdict
# Return all 8 transformations of the image
def tr(l, img):
rt = lambda m,_: m+[[[m[-1][l-i-1][j]
for i in range(l)] for j in range(l)]]
fl = lambda m,_: m+[[[m[-1][l-i-1][j]
for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)]]
return reduce(rt, range(3),
reduce(fl, range(1),
reduce (rt, range(3), [img])))
# Tests each tile against every other and return graph of matches
def analize(tiles):
v, h = defaultdict(set), defaultdict(set)
for ((ltid, limgs), (rtid, rimgs),
ltr, rtr) in product(tiles.items(), tiles.items(),
range(8), range(8)):
if ltid == rtid:
elif limgs[ltr][-1] == rimgs[rtr][0]:
v[ltid].add((rtid, ltr, rtr))
elif all(l[-1] == r[0] for l,r in zip(limgs[ltr], rimgs[rtr])):
h[ltid].add((rtid, ltr, rtr))
return (v,h)
# Return correct sequence of tiles of size n*n for the puzzle
def sequence(n, rel):
keys = set(rel[0].keys())
ctid = min(keys, key=lambda x: len(rel[0][x]))
pr = lambda x: (n*(x//n-1) + n-(x%n)-1) if x>=n else -1
fit = lambda x, y: any(z[0] == y for z in rel[0][x])
return reduce(
lambda rs, i: [(z + [x], tids-{x})
for z,tids in rs for x in tids
if fit(x, z[-1]) and fit(x, z[pr(i+1)])],
range(len(keys)-1), [([ctid], keys-{ctid})])[0][0]
# Return the final picture without tile borders
def assemble(n, tiles, seq, rel):
res = [[' ']*8*n for _ in range(8*n)]
for i,tid in enumerate(seq):
tr = {j for j in range(8)}
row, col = (n-i%n-1 if (i//n)%2 else i%n), i//n
if col>0:
ptid = seq[n*(col-1) + n-(i%n)-1]
tr &= {r for t,l,r in rel[1][ptid] if t==tid}
if col+1<n:
ntid = seq[n*(col+1) + n-(i%n)-1]
tr &= {l for t,l,r in rel[1][tid] if t==ntid}
if row>0:
ptid = seq[n*col + i%n + (1 if col%2 else -1)]
tr &= {r for t,l,r in rel[0][ptid] if t==tid}
if row+1<n:
ntid = seq[n*col + i%n + (-1 if col%2 else 1)]
tr &= {l for t,l,r in rel[0][tid] if t==ntid}
img = tiles[tid][next(x for x in tr)]
for i,r in enumerate(img[1:-1]):
for j,v in enumerate(r[1:-1]):
res[8*row+i][8*col+j] = v
return res
# Count all non-overlapping points inside the image that match the pattern
def match(img, patt):
count = sum(v == '#' for x in patt for v in x)
res = 0
for dx,dy in product(range(len(img[0])-len(patt[0])+1),
if (all(img[dy+i][dx+j] != '.' for i,r in enumerate(patt)
for j,v in enumerate(r) if v == '#')):
res += count
return res
def pretty_print(img):
for r in img:
print (''.join(r))
L = 12
tiles = {int(x[0][5:9]): tr(10,[list(z) for z in x[1:]])
for x in [x.splitlines() for x in'\n\n')]}
rel = analize(tiles)
seq = sequence(L, rel)
# Part1
print (reduce(lambda x,y: x*y,
[seq[i] for i in (0, L-1, L*(L-1), L*L-1)], 1))
monster = '''
# ## ## ###
# # # # # #
for img in tr(8*L, assemble(L, tiles, seq, rel)):
if res := match(img, monster):
# Part 2
print(sum(v == '#' for x in img for v in x) - res)
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