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Last active December 16, 2020 14:56
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Advent of code 2020, Day 16, Python3.9
from sys import stdin
from re import findall
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import reduce
import operator
parts = [[findall('\d+', l)
for l in x.split('\n')]
for x in'\n\n')]
rules = [[[int(r[i]),int(r[i+1])]
for i in range(0,len(r),2)]
for r in parts[0]]
ticket = [int(n) for n in parts[1][1]]
nearby = [[int(n) for n in t] for t in parts[2][1:] if t]
# Part 1
bad = [
x for x in (int(n) for t in nearby for n in t)
if not any(r[0]<=x<=r[1]
for r in (r for sr in rules for r in sr))]
print (sum(bad))
# Part 2
matches = defaultdict(list)
for i,col in enumerate(zip(*(t for t in nearby
if all(x not in bad for x in t)))):
for j,rule in enumerate(rules):
if all(any(r[0]<=x<=r[1] for r in rule) for x in col):
mapping = {}
for i in sorted(matches, key=lambda x: len(matches[x])):
mapping[next(x for x in matches[i] if x not in mapping)] = i
(ticket[i] for i,j in mapping.items() if j<6), 1))
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