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Last active July 21, 2021 23:56
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JavaScript Concepts


Data Types

Primitive Types

Primitive types are the basic types. One important fact is that variables of these types are passed by value to functions.

var number = 10
var string = 'hello'
var otherString = "world"
var boolean = false || true
var bigint = 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n
var symbol = Symbol('name')

function plusOne(n) {
  n = n + 1
  return n
asser(number !== plusOne(number)) // number from outside the function is not mutated (changed)

Object types

Object types allow us to create data structures and functions.

var object = {} // All objects inherits the "prototype" of the Object class
var array = []
var function = function () {}


Can be individually created, i.e. without be part of an object. When a function is member of an object, it's called a method.

// Function Declaration
function sum(x, y) {
  return x + y

// Function Expression
const minus = function (x, y) {
  return x - y

// Function Expression with an Arrow function
const times = (x, y) => x * y


Acronym for JavaScrit Object Notation. It's a standard to translate text into JavaScript objects and vice-versa. Accessible through the JSON global object. JSON is the web standard for communication with servers, like a restful API or any other service. Also is the standard to send messages between workers (a kind of JavaScript thread). But can used whenever it makes sense.

const object = { name: "Alexandre" }
const stringified = JSON.stringify(object) // translates an object into a JSON string
const newObject = JSON.parse(stringified) // parses a string into a JavaScript object



Math operator

const sum = 2 + 2;
const minus = 2 - 2;
const times = 2 * 2;
const power = 2 ** 2; // Math.power(2, 2);
const divide = 2 / 2;
const rest = 3.0 % 2.0;

Logical operators

const loseComparison = 2 == '2'; // true
const tightComparison = 2 === '2';

if (loseComparion === true) {
  console.log('That is true');

if (tightComparison !== true) {
  console.log('That is different');

if (true && true) {
  // Executes

if (false || true) {
  // Executes

// Good advice, to create a meaningful variable to make things
const isSomethingTrue = 2 === 2 && 3 === 3;
if (isSomethingTrue) {
  // Executes if true

function sum(a,b) { console.log('sum'); return a+b; }
function minus(a,b) { console.log('minus'); return a-b; }

if (sum(2,2) > 0 && minus(2-2) >= 0) {
  // Executes both sum and minus

// Executes on sum, as the comparison is false, the second part of the if
// is not executed
if (sum(0,0) > 0 && minus(2-2) >= 0) {


// Both functions are called, but the it doesn't enter the if block
if (sum(0,0) > 0 & minus(2-2) >= 0) {


switch (typeof prop) {
  case 'undefined':
    weight += 0;
    break; // Very Important!!
  case 'boolean':
    weight += 1;

// Good practice, to return instead of break
function getWeight() {
  switch (type) {
    case 'undefined':
      return 0;
    case 'boolean':
      return 1;
    case 'number':
      return 2;
    case 'string':
      return 3;
      return null;


function in JS is a type and a value.

Ways to declare a function

function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

sum (2 + 2); // Works

const minus = function minus(a, b) {
  return a - b;

minus(1 - 1); // Works!

// Without a name
const times = function (a, b) {
  return a * b;

times(1 - 1); // Works!

const divide = (a, b) => {
  return a / b;

divide(4, 2);

const power = (a, b) => a ** b;

power (2, 2); // Works!

function compute(fn, a, b) {
  return fn(a, b);

compute(sum, 2, 2); // Works!

function loadWeatherForecast(city, callback) {
  // calls the external service
  const request = fetch(`${city}`); // Promise

    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json();
    .then(function(weather) {
      callback(null, weather);
    }) // If ok
    .catch(function(err) {
    }) // If error
    .finally(); // Always calls, after either then or catch executed

// Somewhere in our application

loadWeatherForecast('Redding', function (err, weather) {
  if (err) {
    // oh crap
  // We're good. Do something with weather

When to use Class, function or Arrow function

// Don't use function as classes
function Calculator() {
  this.sum = function () {}
  this.result = 0;

// Use class
class Calculator {
  #result = 0;
  constructor() {

  sum = function (a, b) {
    this.#result = a + b;
    return this.#result;

// Pure function
function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// Arrow function
const minus = () => {


Demonstrating context

const outsideValue = 1;
var result;
function compute(a, b, operator = '+') { // Outer Lexical context (outter onion layer)
  var result = 0;
  this.result = 0;
  var outter = this;

  return function() { // Inner context
    // This `this` is different than the `this` from Outter context
    this.result = operator === '+' ? a + b : a - b;
    // Now with a reference of `outter` we can change the outter result
    outter.result = operator === '+' ? a + b : a - b;
    // outsideValue ...// Works, we could use it here

    let result = operator === '+' ? a + b : a - b;
    return result;

// With arrow function, there's a new execution block, but not a new context (no different `this`)
var result;
const compute = (a, b, operator = '+') => { // Outer context (outter onion layer)
  var result = 0;
  this.result = 0; // `this` is from the outside scope
  var outter = this;

  return () => { // Inner context
    this.result = operator === '+' ? a + b : a - b;
    outter.result = operator === '+' ? a + b : a - b;

    let result;
    if (operator === '+') {
      var var1 = 0;
      const var2 = 0;
      result = a + b;
    } else {
      result = a - b;
    console.log(var1); // Ok
    console.log(var2); // Error
    return result;
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