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Last active February 24, 2016 11:00
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  • Save aleemb/97b4f5f8510f397c4a08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aleemb/97b4f5f8510f397c4a08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- V3
set root to "/Users/aleemb/Music/aleem"
set musicExtensions to {"mp3", "m4a"}
tell application "Finder"
-- remove xattr from file (ls -al@) since iTunes throws errors when adding these files
do shell script "xattr -c -r " & root
set _root to (POSIX file root) as alias
set _folders to every folder of _root
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
repeat with _folder in _folders
set _path to my text_to_list(_folder as text, ":")
set _genre to item -2 of _path
-- create playlist
if exists playlist _genre then
delete tracks of playlist _genre
set _playlist to playlist _genre
set _playlist to make new playlist with properties {name:_genre}
end if
-- add tracks
set _files to (every file of _folder where name extension is in musicExtensions)
repeat with _file in _files
set _path to my text_to_list(_file as text, ":")
set _genre to item -2 of _path
set _title to item -1 of _path
set _track to (add (_file as alias) to _playlist)
-- display dialog "Added " & _title & " to " & _genre
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
on text_to_list(txt, delim)
set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim}
set theList to every text item of txt
on error errStr number errNum
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD
error errStr number errNum
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD
return (theList)
end text_to_list
-- update tags
tell application "iTunes"
set mainLibrary to library playlist 1
set s to file tracks of mainLibrary
if s is not {} then
-- display dialog "\"Tags Mirror Genre\\Album-Artist-Title.ext\"" & return & return & ¬
-- "For all selected tracks in iTunes, this script will update the Genre, title tags based on folder and filename:" & return & return & ¬
-- "Genre\\Album - Artist - Title.ext" & return & return & ¬
-- "(Album and Arist are both optional)" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue..."} default button 2
set oldfi to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
repeat with i from 1 to length of s
set t to item i of s
if class of t is file track then
tell t
if location is not missing value then
set loc to (get location as text)
set b to my text_to_list(loc, ":")
set n to my fixextension(loc)
set d to my text_to_list(n, " - ")
set name to item -1 of d
set artist to item -2 of d
set album to item -3 of d
end try
set grouping to item -2 of b
end try
end if -- is file track and not missing?
end try
end tell
end if -- file track?
end repeat
-- done
set fixed indexing to oldfi
-- display dialog "Tags Updated!" & return & return & ¬
-- "Based on:" & return & ¬
-- "Genre\\Album - Artist - Title.ext" buttons {"Thanks"} default button 1
end try
else -- no tracks selected
display dialog "Did not fix any tags. You must first select some tracks in iTunes to fix tags." buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon 0 -- giving up after 30
end if
end tell
to fixextension(loc)
set finfo to (get info for alias loc)
return (text 1 through -((length of (name extension of finfo)) + 2) of name of finfo) as text
end fixextension
-- remove dead files
property progress_factor : 500
tell application "iTunes"
-- display dialog "Super Remove Dead Tracks" & return & return & ¬
-- "Removes tracks whose files are missing or deleted, so-called" & ¬
-- "\"dead\" tracks designated with (!) next to the track name." buttons ¬
-- {"Cancel", "Proceed..."} default button 2
set mainLibrary to library playlist 1
set totalTracks to count of file tracks of mainLibrary
set all_playlists to user playlists whose smart is false -- don't delete Smart Playlists later
set deleted_tracks to 0
set all_checked_tracks to 0
set countem to ""
set oldfi to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
repeat with t from totalTracks to 1 by -1
set this_track to file track t of mainLibrary
-- set _duration to duration of this_track
-- set _title to name of this_track
set loc to "." & this_track's location
if loc is missing value or loc contains ".Trash" or _title is missing value then
-- display dialog "Deleting: " & _title as string
delete this_track
set deleted_tracks to deleted_tracks + 1
end if
set all_checked_tracks to all_checked_tracks + 1
if frontmost then
if (progress_factor is not 0) and (all_checked_tracks mod progress_factor) is 0 then
if deleted_tracks is greater than 0 then ¬
set countem to (deleted_tracks & " dead tracks removed so far...")
if frontmost is true then display dialog (all_checked_tracks as string) & ¬
" tracks checked..." & ¬
return & countem buttons {"Cancel", «data utxt266B»} giving up after 1
end if
end if
end try
end repeat
set fixed indexing to oldfi
repeat with this_playlist in all_playlists
if (get count of tracks of this_playlist) is 0 then
delete playlist this_playlist
end try
end if
end repeat
if deleted_tracks is greater than 0 then
set ps to " was"
if deleted_tracks is not 1 then set ps to "s were"
display dialog "Removed " & deleted_tracks & " dead track" & ps & ¬
"." buttons {"Thanks"} default button 1 with icon 1
-- if gave up of (display dialog "No dead tracks found." buttons {"Thanks"} ¬
-- default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 15) is true then error number -128
end if
end tell
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