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Created February 11, 2021 20:58
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import os, sys
import asyncio
import functools
from enum import IntEnum
# TODO clean this mess
#path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
path = "C:/Users/alef/workspace/blendwarf"
sys.path.append(path+"/build/Program Files/Python37/Lib/site-packages") # google.protobuf
sys.path.append(path+"/build") # compiled protobuf
sys.path.append('C:/Users/alef/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python37/site-packages') # six
import CoreProtocol_pb2, RemoteFortressReader_pb2
from CoreProtocol_pb2 import EmptyMessage, StringMessage
_reader, _writer = None, None
class DFHackReplyCode(IntEnum):
def header(id, size):
return id.to_bytes(2, sys.byteorder, signed=True) + \
b'\x00\x00' + \
size.to_bytes(4, sys.byteorder)
async def get_header():
h = await
id = int.from_bytes(h[0:2], sys.byteorder, signed=True)
size = int.from_bytes(h[4:7], sys.byteorder)
return id, size
def request(id, msg):
s = msg.SerializeToString()
h = header(id, len(s))
return h + s
def unmarshal(id, msg):
if id == DFHackReplyCode.RPC_REPLY_RESULT:
obj = CoreProtocol_pb2.CoreBindReply()
return obj.assigned_id
elif id == DFHackReplyCode.RPC_REPLY_TEXT:
obj = CoreProtocol_pb2.CoreTextNotification()
raise Exception(obj)
# TODO others
async def BindMethod(method, input_msg, output_msg, plugin=''):
"""Issue a CoreBindRequest to DFHack and caches the returned identifier number
br = CoreProtocol_pb2.CoreBindRequest()
br.method, br.input_msg, br.output_msg, br.plugin = \
method, input_msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, output_msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, plugin
_writer.write( request(0, br) )
h = await
id, size = int.from_bytes(h[0:2], sys.byteorder, signed=True), int.from_bytes(h[4:7], sys.byteorder)
return unmarshal(id, await
async def close():
buf = header(DFHackReplyCode.RPC_REQUEST_QUIT, 0) + b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'
_writer.write(buf) ; await _writer.drain()
_writer.close() ; await _writer.wait_closed()
def handshake_request():
n = 1
return b'DFHack?\n' + n.to_bytes(4, sys.byteorder, signed=False)
async def connect():
global _reader, _writer
_reader, _writer = await asyncio.open_connection('', 5000)
_writer.write( handshake_request() )
msg = await
if b'DFHack!\n\x01\x00\x00\x00' != msg: # handshake_reply
_reader, _writer = None, None
def remote(plugin=''):
""" Decorator that uses type annotations to bind DFHack Remote functions
async def GetVersionInfo(input: EmptyMessage = None, output: VersionInfo = None):
async def GetVersion(output: StringMessage = None):
from functools import wraps, update_wrapper
from inspect import signature
input, output, function, _plugin = None, None, None, None
async def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
#if isinstance(plugin, str):
# kwds['plugin'] = plugin
_id = await BindMethod(function.__name__, input, output, plugin=_plugin, **kwds)
_writer.write( request(_id, input()) )
id, size = await get_header()
if id == DFHackReplyCode.RPC_REPLY_RESULT:
buffer = await
size -= len(buffer)
while size:
more = await
buffer += more
size -= len(more)
obj = output()
return obj
def parse(f):
nonlocal input, output, function
function = f
p = signature(f).parameters
input = p['input'].annotation
except KeyError:
input = EmptyMessage
output = p['output'].annotation
return update_wrapper(wrapper, f)
# For ease of writing signatures, let's use 'plugin' also for plain decorator
if isinstance(plugin, str): # The plugin name
_plugin = plugin
return parse
_plugin = ''
return parse(plugin) # The decorated function
## Declare DFHack exported interfaces
async def GetVersion(output: StringMessage = None): pass
from BasicApi_pb2 import GetWorldInfoOut
async def GetWorldInfo(output: GetWorldInfoOut = None): pass
from RemoteFortressReader_pb2 import VersionInfo
async def GetVersionInfo(output: VersionInfo = None): pass
from RemoteFortressReader_pb2 import UnitList
async def GetUnitList(output: UnitList = None): pass
# Test
async def main():
await connect()
# print( await GetVersionInfo() )
# print( await GetVersion() )
# print( await GetUnitList() )
# await GetUnitList()
await close()
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