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Created April 10, 2017 12:33
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Remove all tweets from twitter. Requires to create app in twitter developer.
(ns tweet-wipe.core
(:use [twitter.oauth]
(:import [twitter.callbacks.protocols SyncSingleCallback])
(def number-of-tweets 200)
(def my-creds (make-oauth-creds "app-consumer-key"
(defn get-user
(users-lookup :oauth-creds my-creds
:params {:screen_name name})
(defn get-tweet-count
(:statuses_count (get-user name)))
(defn get-tweets
(:body (statuses-user-timeline :oauth-creds my-creds
:params {:screen_name name
:count number-of-tweets})))
(defn get-tweet-ids
(map #(:id_str %) (get-tweets name)))
(defn destroy-status
(statuses-destroy-id :oauth-creds my-creds
:params {:id id}))
(defn destroy-statuses
(doseq [id ids] (destroy-status id)))
(defn wipe-tweets-portion
(get-tweet-ids name)
(defn wipe-tweets
(println "wipe-tweets")
(let [tweet-count (get-tweet-count name)]
(if (> tweet-count 0)
(wipe-tweets-portion name)
(recur name)))))
(defn -main
[& args]
(wipe-tweets "screen name"))
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