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Last active December 28, 2015 22:58
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Thinking about pouring plates to make linear chemical gradients
% Motivation:
% Question: how many days before can we get away with?
%Fick's equation is
% dc/dt =D d^2 C/ dx^2 where the d's are partials
% Since the petri dish is a solid boundary, we have neumann boundary conditions
% From resources like:
% we know the general solution
% for the specific initial conditions f(x)=x*C0 / L,
% I figure that we only really care about x=0 because if we know u(x=0,t) we
% should know that u(x=L,t)=C0 - u(x=0,t).
% And I assume that the profile along x is roughly linear, although we could check.
C0=50; %mM
D=10^-5; %cm^2 / s
disp('Calculating the concentration at the far end of the plate x=0.');
disp(['We assume a ' num2str(L) 'cm plate with an initial concentration gradient from 0 to ' num2str(C0) ' mM and D=' num2str(D) 'cm^2/s' ]);
t=0:3*60*60*24*7; %3 weeks
for n=1:2:1000
u= u + ( 2*C0/(pi^2) )*(-2/(n^2))*exp(-D* t*(n*pi/L)^2 );
figure; plot(t/(60*60*24),u);
ylabel('Concentration at x=0 (mM)')
title('C_0=100 mM, 9 cm plate')
disp(['After ' num2str(days) ...
'days the concentrations at the end point will be '...
num2str( u(round(days*60*60*24)) ) 'mM and ' ...
num2str(C0-u(round(days*60*60*24)) ) 'mM'] )
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